I'm A flirt ( Todoroki x Flirty! Reader x Bakugou)

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Requested by Todo-mewoki

(Y/n) was known as the hero classes very own female flirt, she was sweet flirt that everyone was okay with.

Her flirting with her male classmates never got to out of hand, if they asked her to stop then she'd simply apologize and stop her flirting but this rarely happened.

" Morning Todo!" (Y/n) cheered as she came up behind him and gave him a hug.

He sighed, " Good morning (l/n)." Todoroki said stopping in his tracks.

" How man times do I have to tell you! Call me (y/n) stop being so formal with me." (Y/n) said puffing her cheeks out as she let him free from the hug.

" Just because you tell me to do it doesn't mean I will." Todoroki said as (y/n) made her eye roll very obvious to him.

"I'm not your dad, stop trying to rebel against me. I'm actually nice! Flirty too. But nice!" (Y/n) said with a grin.

" Don't forget annoying." Todoroki said rolling his eyes causing the girl to huff again.

" You suck." (Y/n) said.

" And you swallow." Todoroki said not even sparing her a glance.

" If it was you sure I would. Every last bit of it." (Y/n) teased as Todoroki stopped in his tracks with a bright red face.

"There's the reaction I wanted!" (Y/n) cheered, as Todoroki looked down at the ground and speed walked pass her.

" Wait up Todoroki, I was only teasing don't be mad!" (Y/n) said rushing into the school behind him. Todoroki was clearly supporting a bright red blush as he rushed through the halls.

" The hell is up with icy hot?" Bakugou said watching as he rushed past him with (y/n) following behind a ways away from him.

" Oi." Bakugou said his best trying not to laugh.

"What did you say to him to make him run away from you like that? He doesn't do that often." Bakugou said.

" He said I swallowed...so I in returned said if it was him I would. I think I went a little to far flirting, maybe I should let him cool off." (Y/n) chuckled rubbing the back of her neck.

"Are you turning into the class pervert? Mineta May need to watch his position." Bakugou teased.

" I don't have to try and sneak to see you boys topless. I just have to ask really nicely don't I Katsuki?" (Y/n) said flicking his nose with a bright smile causing him to blush

. He clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth quickly looking away from her.

" Let's just get to class damn brat." Bakugou said pushing himself off of the wall he was leaning against, (y/n) wrapped her arm around his as they walked down the hallway.

Todoroki glared at Bakugou as he walked into the class with (y/n) glued to his side, he was slightly angered by the facts instead of her continuing to chase after him she turned to Bakugou and started to flirt with him.

He was so blinded by that thought he didn't notice her in front of him.

" Hmmph. You're not blushing anymore that's no fun." (Y/n) said puffing her cheeks out as she lightly pinching Todoroki's.

" If you wanted to flirt go back a flirt with Bakugou." Todoroki grumbled like a child.

"If that's what you want I will." She teased, as Todoroki huffed again.

BNHA x Reader Oneshots BookHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin