Witch ( Shigaraki x F! Emtionless!Reader)

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" Sir, two heroes are in my sight. Do you wish for me to activate the labyrinth?" A soft and gentle voice spoke into the ear piece.

" Back up is in the surrounding area proceed with creation of your labyrinth but keep it small." Shigaraki said watching the girl descend to the ground from the lamp post she was perched on. The moment the tip of her shoe hit the ground a large black mass swallowed both heroes and girl. "

"Oi, crusty ass how long does this normally take?" Dabi asked watching the black mass stay at a standstill never growing smaller or larger.

"A few moments now shut up." Shigaraki said as he bit at his nails gazing at the mass.

"Mission successful, heroes have been captured into grief seeds and are ready to be destroyed." (Y/n) said picking the two very small orbs up from the ground.

"Depose of them yourself, (y/n). I don't feel like getting my hands dirty tonight." Shigaraki said as his lips curled up into a slight smirk.

With a flick of her index finger she sent orbs up into the air, Dabi stared in horror as the girl devoured what she had called grief seeds.

"Did.... Did she just eat them?" He said.

" Of course she did.Do you not have the stomach for this scar face?" Shigaraki's laughter echoed through the ear piece.

" Sir, do have another mission for me tonight?" (Y/n) asked queuing into the conversation once she tapped her ear piece.

" Meet back the hideout for the next plan of action." Shigaraki said before warp portals open for each person to enter

. As the next plan was talked over in full detail, (y/n) felt eyes of the league glued onto her.

" Is my appearance disheveled?" (Y/n) said looking down at her uniform.

" You ate two people do you expect us to look at you as though your normal?" Twice said.

" Was that something wrong?" She said tilting her head to the side.

" Wrong? Was it wrong she asks! How do we know you're not going to eat us next?" Dabi snapped.

" You are not my enemies. Why would I have a reason to eat you?" (Y/n) asked.

" If we step out of line and Shigaraki orders it." Spinner said.

"Then all I have to do is trap you inside my labyrinth. Once I've killed you in battle your souls are only contained into a grief seed to live until destroyed. I have the choice to it or not to eat it." She said, her voice was pleasant and almost as though it didn't comprehend what she was saying.

"You act as though you don't understand what your saying! Eating and killing are completely different things." Toga said.

" I eat souls, not the human bodies. The labyrinth takes those."

" YOU are part of the labyrinth, you're a fucking witch!" Dabi snapped.

" Stop pestering her, now. That's a fucking order." Shigaraki snapped glaring back at the league. The room was quick to silence as Shigaraki finished the explanation before the group parted.

(Y/n) went into her own room, only to be followed by Shigaraki moments later.

" Here drink this." Shigaraki said placing a cool bottle of alcohol to her forehead.

She glanced up at him and took the bottle, " Do you not wish to drink alone?" (Y/n) asked.

"Tch, you're naive to think that. You know I don't care about that." Shigaraki said sitting down beside of her on the bed.

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