Eri Needs A Hug - ( 24 )

Start from the beginning

"This is Eri, my sister basically."

  Eri could see stars in the older girl's eyes. The older quickly introduced herself as Toga, Izuku's self proclaimed "Bestest Friend, even better than that Bakugo kid". Toga kept talking to Eri, not giving the young girl time to react, but the young girl enjoyed this older teen. A small smile surfaced on Eri's face, the previous scared expression slowly going away. Suddenly, Toga chocked and stopped talking abruptly. She spluttered and swung her head to look behind her ; Eri followed her gaze to see another teen, this one scaring her slightly. Even though she knew that anyone who's friends with her Izu-nii won't hurt her, she was intimidated by the scarred teen.

  The teens face was covered in burns, stitches and scars. He wore a long black coat and a white shirt covered in stains. He must've seen the curious look both Eri and Izuku gave towards the shirt as the skin that wasn't scarred on his face flushed pink. "Funny thing really," Izuku looked at the older teen, a small, mocking smirk on his face and a eyebrows raised. Toga saw the flustered look on the Todoroki's face and smiled once more. "It was all Toga's fault!" He pointed a finger accusingly at the female, who was now sporting a shit eating grin, knowing she had the perfect weapon to counter.

  Eri watched curiously and slightly confused. You couldn't blame her. The only human contact she's had in years were the scientists who experimented her. Her grip tightened on Midoriya's hoodie, who brought a hand up to rub her back soothingly, trying to calm the girl who unknowingly started to tremble. She calmed down and started listening in on the conversation once more.

  Aizawa, don't think we forgot about him now, saw that he had nothing else to do. Sighing, he closed the door to the dorm, making sure all the locks were activated before walking away. The moon sat silently in the sky, he could barely see any stars in the sky behind the pollution in the sky. Not feeling up to cooking that night, he planned to order dinner. Ah, a night without problem children or stupid muggers or principals taking in villains. That was what he thought before he saw a familiar problem child with purple hair, laying injured in a puddle of his own blood, only a few meters away from his house. Aizawa eyes widened at the sight. 'Shit.'

  Eri had gotten to a point with the other two villains where she was comfotable with the other two holding her. To Izuku, it was great progress. In the clinic earlier, when Suneater tried to touch her, she flinched away from him violently. So, when Toga had picked her up and spun her around in circles and she laughed, Izuku felt relief flood his body. She had a chance to recover, after finding out what had happened to her, he had his doubts bit seeing her playing around with Toga, he couldnt help but smile.

  She ran around the room, Toga playfully chasing her in a game of tag. Laughter echoed through the living room when Toga slammed into the coffee table. Eri worried walked up to her but the teens hurt expression quickly turned mischievous as she lunged to catch the girl.

  With a happy squeal, Eri sprinted away and headed straight towards Izuku. He smiled brightly and bent down, catchjng the girl as she barreled into his leg. Dabi continued to laugh at the blonde teen on the ground, clutching her leg in pain. Eri felt genuinely happy for the first time in a while.

  Izuku couldn't help but forget about all his troubles. Everybody was smiling and laughing, seemingly not having a care in the world. At that moment, they weren't villains or experiments, they were teens and kids.

'I could get used to this.'


Ahhh, I feel so bad.

Anyway, suprise! Extra chapter for you because this story has hit a milestone!

Am I being too excited about this? Probably. Do I care? No, not really.

We just got 100k reads and aaaahhh!

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We just got 100k reads and aaaahhh!

Thank you sooo much, I love you guys!

So this chapter is a gift!

So this chapter is a gift!

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(I drew that :/ )

My parents are currently making fun of me because I called a triangle shaped fishcake, a piece of actual fish. I want to cry.


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