The game has just began. How you like the "Styling" of the Jewel Cartel Bitch!


I released my grip of Quan and got in my car. I called Draye's phone and the nigga wasn't picking up so I decided to go to his house.

20 minutes later

I pulled up in Draye's driveway behind his car. I went to the door and rung the doorbell repeatedly. He swung the door opened and had a certain look on his face.

"Bruh you have to see this" he said leading me into his living room. The news was on and he turned up the volume.

News reporter: "There has been numerous tips about an unknown Drug lord in and out of Miami to Cali. And the LAPD has recently uncovered a dead body of Robert Jewels. They suspect that his death is connected in a drug deal gone wrong. Police has no clues yet but is calling this a homicide."

Draye turned off the tv and looked at me.

"So you mean to tell me that Robert is in the Jewel Cartel?" I asked getting mad.

"Didn't Joey say something about that before we offed his ass?" Draye said staring into space.

"Man fuck all that, look one of my trap houses got burnt down today!" I shouted.

"What the fuck is going on bruh?" He asked still in a blank stare. I placed the note that was left on the back door in front of his face.

"What's this?" He asked looking at the paper.

"Some niggas from Jewel Cartel ran up in my shit and stole some product and took my pickup." I paced back and forth nonstop.

"Hold on its signed Styles." Draye said jumping up.

"So, what about it?"

"Man Trina's last name is Styles." He got up and ran to his room. He went in his closet and grabbed his gun. "Man take me to Trina's house." We went outside and got in the car and I was doing 70 in a 40 mile lane.

15 minutes later

I pulled up to her two story luxurious house and saw two cars in the driveway. They were black and white Maybachs. Draye went to knock on the front door while I went around the back.

Beauty POV

I woke up to footsteps out in the hall, then I heard the front door slam shut. I got up and peeked out the room.

"Draye!" I waited for him to respond but I didn't get an answer. So I took out my phone and noticed the date. It was Sunday, the last day of my 2 week vacation for Thanksgiving. I had school tomorrow and I couldn't miss it. I so I called up Chrisytian.

"Wassup?" He answered after the first 3 rings.

"Chris do you think you can swing by my friend's house to come get me?" I hummed over the phone.

"Yeah, text me the address and I'll be over there in 30 minutes." I hung up and went into Draye's kitchen to find a piece of mail. I text the address to Chrisytian and went upstairs to get my things. Chrisytian was outside in like 26 minutes honking his horn. I grabbed all my things and went outside. I put my bags in the backseat then went to lock the bottom lock from the inside and closed the door. I got in the front seat and he swiftly pulled off.

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