"It's still quite early."

"Yeah. We didn't get to eat at the event."

"May I tempt you to a spot of supper?" He turned to look at you.

"If that's alright." You looked back.

"It's more than alright. I am finding every excuse and opportunity from being locked in my hotel room."

You chuckled. "You always do that."

"Do what?"

"Stall. Prolong. Procrastinate. When it comes to being confined to boring places."

Loki nodded trying not to smile. You noticed that? He has never had an assistant- anyone be that attentive to his actions.

"I suppose I do dislike being bored. It's just so dull."

"Is that why you became a gallerist?"

"Of course. I never thought you'd be attentive to detail." Loki teased.

"First of all, ouch. Second of all, I'm a good listener too." You teased back.

"We're here." He told you and swiftly payed the cab driver. Loki guided you to the front of the restaurant. It looked fancy enough to pass Loki's standards, you guessed.

"Sir Laufeyson," The person at the desk smiled. "Table for two I presume?" Loki nodded and they led you two to a quiet area in the restaurant. They sat you down and gave you menus. You decided for yourself that you were going to order for the both of you.

"Good evening. I'll have your specialty and Loki will have the grilled steak- medium rare, with the veggie side. We'll have chocolate cake for dessert."

Loki looked at you impressed and dismissed the waiter away.

He was still staring at you like a puzzle he can't solve. "What?", you asked. Then you realized. "You wanna know how I knew huh?", he nodded at this.

"Oh, please Loki. I order food for you everyday. Any good assistant should know that."

"So my past assistants weren't good?"

You shrugged. "Maybe."

"After a year of working with you, you still continue to impress me." He commended you.

"I hope that's good. Wouldn't want to get jobless, do we?" You chuckled.

Then the food came and it all looked and smelt amazing. The two of you were quite silent after you started eating the food. Then the grand dessert came and you swore you could see Loki's eyes widen like a little child.

"This is quite naughty of you." Loki pointed out, staring at his cake.

"Why would you say that?"

"You know I like chocolate cake."

"Then have some."

He gave in and sliced himself a bite. "Temptress." He muttered before eating the piece of chocolate cake.

Once you finished the dessert called for the check and he came to face you again with frosting at the side of his lips. You tried gesturing to him that he had a little mess on his face but you had no choice but to do it yourself. You grabbed a napkin and wiped it for him while holding his chin.

"Good as new." You smiled at him.

* * * * * * *

After the dinner, instead of taking the cab, Loki offered to walk to the hotel seeing it isn't that far from your previous destination.

"I should give you a raise." Loki broke the silence, his hands in his pockets.

"As much as I'd love that, I'm gonna have to decline."

"Why?" He asked, looking down at you.

"You pay me more than enough, plus you bring me to trips in and outside of the country and not just for business. You insist on taking me to museums because you wouldn't want and "uncultured swine" working for you. I am already more than grateful for that. If you pay me more, I'd feel all guilty," You explained. "Not to mention, I'll look like your sugar baby" Loki nearly choked at this. You laughed in return.

"You shouldn't be saying things like that, darling."

"And why shouldn't I?" You challenged him.

"Because I'd be tempted. And I wouldn't want to ruin our professional relationship." Loki's eyes seemed to look for something far away as if he was searching for something.

You nodded and shivered. Loki noticed and lend you his black suit jacket. "Are you alright?" You asked and stopped walking.

"Have I told you that you're the only assistant that lasted for a year?" Loki asked.


"Do you want to know why?" You nodded and he sighed in disbelief, more to himself you guessed. "It's because you're the only one who treated me like a friend and not like a boss they fear. I have been alone most of my life, mostly excluded from friend groups because of my peculiar affinity for art. And I've never had a companionship like this, and to lose it would take a toll on me."

You listened, and you didn't think. You just hugged him. You hugged him tightly. It took him a moment to process this but he slid his arms across your back and waist, hugging you back with the same tightness.

"I may not know what kind of isolation you went through but just know that I'm not just your assistant alright? I see you as my friend too. Even though you're so annoying sometimes." You chuckled.

You looked up at him and loosened the hug but the two of you were still in close proximity. You saw all the emotions in Loki's eyes, the disbelief, gratefulness, happiness, love? And a split second after, he bent down his head and kissed you.

His soft lips were on yours oh so delicately. You responded after a few seconds of realization and you knew this was what you wanted deep down.

The two of you chuckled once you released one another.

"Now people are really gonna think I'm your sugar baby."

"Oh, shut it." Loki smiled.





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