Sitri & Flowers

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Pre timeskip, takes place after chapter six and takes before chapter seven. The day this is taking place on is the 12th of the Wyvern moon. Takes place after "Joke telling" & "The Jealous Prince" parts and takes place before the "Rumoured Nuptials" part. Part is based on a dlc quest called "Flowers For Her" made by a monk (Spoilers for Cindered Shadows: Also known as Aelfric). Spoilers for the beginning of Cindered Shadows. (However though, this part is one of the most important parts in this book and you'll find out why later, so reading this part may be necessary despite the DLC spoilers). A bit after Aelfric asked Byleth to get some flowers and she is still in the garden. Dialogue for request may not be the exact same.


Dimitri was walking from the Knights' Hall to the reception hall until something caught his attention.

There was a man at the graveyard, staring at one of the graves. Dimitri was looking at him from near the top of the stairs.

Dimitri knew that there was a graveyard and he knew that there was only one person that was known to be buried.

But Dimitri never really knew who was buried there... He only knew it was someone named Sitri and they worked at the church. That was all he really knew since many didn't really know much about this Sitri person.

He found himself looking at the man for a while.

This man had long brownish hair and was wearing an outfit that had mixed colours of red, brown & black. He had a bit of a sad expression on his face and was mumbling to himself.

Dimitri didn't realise he was even staring at him until the man suddenly turned his face towards him.

This made Dimitri jump a bit and he quickly apologised. "M-my apologies. I didn't mean to intrude!"

Dimitri was expected to be scolded at but that didn't end up happening.

The man smiled at him kindly. "Don't worry young man, It's not much trouble at all."

Then the man stared at Dimitri a bit as if he realised something. "Wait a moment... Are you the prince of Faerghus? I've seen you a few times with Byleth when I visited the past few moons."

The man made his way up the stairs as he said that. Dimitri was a bit confused because he had never seen this guy before. Also this was the first time he'd met someone that was more curious about the fact that he was spending time with Byleth than him being a prince.

"Oh? Have you visited?"

The man bit his lip but answered regardless. "Ah yes... You see I used to work at the church but I got ki- I mean I retired a long time ago. I just wanted to visit Sitri's grave and I asked the professor if she could pick some flowers for her a bit earlier. I may leave when Byleth comes back."

"Oh I see..." Dimitri didn't really know what to say.

"I must say, I've seen you and Byleth together quite a bit when I have visited this month. Are you both lovers or something of the sort?"

"Ah yes somethin- Wait what? N-no! Nothing like that just uh... She is the professor of the Blue Lion house and I am the house leader. That's all really." Dimitri was a bit red after that unintentionally awkward question from the man.

The man looked a bit guilty for asking that. "Oh my apologies. I didn't mean to uh... make it awkward or embarrassing and make an assumption like that."

Dimitri was still red and a bit embarrassed but he couldn't help but ask something. "It's fine.. Uh I-I hope you don't mind me asking but um... not that it bothers me at all but.. Do we um.. Appear as a couple to you...?"

Dimitri had no idea why he asked that and wanted to punch himself for saying it but it was too late now. The man answered. "Hmm... sort of yes but I realise I was incorrect. I- Oh?"

The man's attention drifted elsewhere. Dimitri followed his gaze.

It was Byleth walking towards them with her holding some lovely, pale pink flowers. She seemed surprised to see Dimitri there but she didn't make a comment.

The man smiled when she gave him the flowers. "Thank you so much. This is just the type of flower she once loved dearly."

Byleth seemed a bit surprised. "Was it? Er.. I know it's a bit selfish but I chose my um.. Favourite flower type, if that's ok?"

"Of course! I think your mother would have been thrilled about you picking your favourite flowers. Not to mention, these were also her favourite." He smiled.

Dimitri was a bit lost. He had no idea that Byleth's mother was Sitri.

Byleth walked down the stairs and put the flowers on Sitri's grave.

She walked back up the stairs.

The man smiled at her. "I can rest easy now. I must be off. Take especially good care of yourself, won't you? Please, look after Jeralt. She'd have wanted that."

Byleth nodded.

He then walked away and they both waved at him.

Byleth had a question and so she faced Dimitri. "I know it's none of my business but... Did you know him before? I saw you both talking to one another on my way here."

Dimitri shook his head. "No I didn't. We only met today. Professor, was he a friend of your mother?"

"Ah well it seems so. My mother died when I was a baby so I don't remember her sadly but he told me about her. Though I truly didn't realise that we both had the same favourite flower type."

Dimitri didn't want to push further about her mother so he instead asked her about the Valerian Flowers. "Do you like plants?"

Byleth nodded. "Yes! I love them! I work in the garden a lot especially during weekday nights. Sometimes in the day, Dedue & Ashe help me water them."

Dimitri wasn't surprised to hear that about Dedue. He chuckled a little. "Sounds like something Dedue would do."

Byleth slightly chuckled a bit too. "Doesn't it? Anyways, I love the Valerian Flowers. Do you have a favourite flower type, Dimitri?"

"Well uh... I'm admittedly the biggest fan of plants but I don't dislike them at all either. I think the Lily flowers. They look nice."

Byleth looked like she was in a better mood. They chatted for a while and then eventually went their separate ways for the day.


Irreplaceable Love / Fire Emblem / Byleth x Dimitri shortstoriesWhere stories live. Discover now