The "Grand" Feast

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Pre time skip, Takes place after chapter 7, right after the Blue Lions won in the Battle of the Eagle and Lion and when all the houses get back to the monastery to have a celebration feast. Before "Get Some Rest!" part. Takes place after B support between Ingrid and Dorothea. Takes place after B support Byleth has with Dorothea, Marianne and Raphael. 


When they went back to the monastery, the students had a feast!

To celebrate the victory from the Battle of the Eagle and Lion for the Blue Lions, all the students from all classes had a "Grand" feast. 

Claude did suggest one after all and it wasn't the first time all of the houses had a feast that year. 

However this feast was more unforgettable and fun than the previous time. It was definitely the best highlight of the year for many. All students from different houses sat with one another and celebrated.

The feast was held in the dining hall with a crazy amount of food. Many students were crazy excited when they saw what was there and quickly got some. When they finished picking the sit around the large table that was awaiting for them! They ate and talked with one another.

Byleth was eating with Dorothea and Marianne whom were sitting next to her, on the table. 

"Congratulations Professor! Y-your students are um very lucky to have you as their... teacher!" Marianne blushed and looked down when trying to compliment Byleth. 

Hilda who was also sitting next to Marianne, spoke up for Marianne. "Professor, you know that Marianne compliments you all the time, you should totally invite Marianne to your class and who knows? Maybe I'll consider joining too." 

Hilda was winking at Marianne and then winked again at Byleth.

Marianne got embarrassed. "H-hilda I-" 

Marianne got cut off by Linhardt who was sitting a bit further away. He raised his voice for Marianne to hear since many other students were talking to each other about different topics and he was staring at Marianne's plate. "Marianne, are you going to finish eating that? May I have it? For research..."

Marianne sighed and then turned towards Lindhardt "Please don't say such bizarre things in front of everyone." Marianne said it as if she was used to hearing him saying that. 

Dorothea joins in and goes back to the original subject "Well if Marianne and Hilda indeed have interest in joining your house Professor, I can't say they're the only ones who do have interest." 

Petra seemed to have heard Dorothea despite being slightly far away from her. She herself joins in and raises her voice."Oh? Dorothea you have interest in joining?" 

"Well I'd be lying if I said I didn't. Of course I'll need to give it more thought but I have many reasons for why the Blue Lion house would be lots of fun to join. I have grown very fond of the professor after all and to add on, I can keep an eye on my sweet adorable Ingrid." Dorothea teased and tried to say loud enough for Ingrid to hear despite not directly talking to Ingrid at that given moment. Unfortunately for Dorothea, Ingrid couldn't hear her very well but did hear her own name.

Ingrid was sitting further away on the table and was talking to Ashe and Mercedes (since they were sitting beside her) until she suddenly heard her name. It caught her slightly off guard.

"Did someone call my name?" Ingrid asked

Ashe and Mercedes were confused at this.

"I don't think so Ingrid" Ashe reassured her despite not being sure himself.

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