Byleth's Transformation Part 2/2: "The Change"

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9/2020 A/N: (Now I'm just going to say this now. My retell arcs after this one such as Gronder Field are so much better so please don't let this be your final judgement of what my retells are going to be. I wrote this retell back in December 2019 after all)

A/N: Again before you read, you NEED to read "Byleth's Transformation Part 1/2: Regrets and Fault" to continue any further.

With that said, I apologise for the poor retelling in this part. I tried to make it as good as I can without making it draggy but I don't think I did that well. Sorry guys.

Anyways I hope you enjoy this part


Pre timeskip, During the battle between the students and Kronya's army (Chapter 10 basically). Starts right after Solon reveals what happened to Byleth when she disappeared. Continuation of "Byleth's Transformation Part 1: Regret and fault." Takes place in where Byleth is.


Byleth doesn't know how she got here...

Byleth was confused, she was in some dark place. It didn't look too different to the place she and Sothis would normally talk in but... something felt really wrong.

And it felt frightning to be here.

"How did I even get here?" Byleth seemed to have forgotten how this happened. She was lost in thought.

Then it hit her.

She was chasing down Kronya... the one who killed her father and she was running after Kronya without thinking straight.

But she was tricked and Kronya was used like bait for her to fall in some weird spell that Solon had in mind to cast upon both of them.

Kronya was used as a sacrifice for the spell to be casted upon Byleth.

Kronya is nowhere to be seen and most likely died because of Solon's spell. Meaning that Byleth won't get to avenge her father like she thought she would.

However she realises that the side of her she had when trying to kill Kronya was something she doesn't ever want to go back to. It felt awful. Not to mention, she left her students alone...


She left her students alone.....

Realisation hit Byleth and it hit hard. She left her students whom may not be strong enough to take down the enemies by themselves.....

Byleth was furious with herself and felt irresponsible. She was so tempted to avenge her father that she didn't even care for her own students safety. She felt so awful.

But she has no idea where she even is or what that spell was that Solon casted. She feels stuck in some dark void. She wants to leave desperately and help everyone but she can't figure how to leave.

"..." Byleth didn't know what to say at all.

"You Fool!"

Suddenly, Sothis and her throne appeared in the void. She looked furious with Byleth which made sense.

Despite the scoldings Byleth was get thrown at with, she was relieved to see a familiar face in this unknown place.

Sothis was angry at Byleth for putting them both in this situation. Since that was so obviously a trap! It seemed like both Sothis and Byleth are both stuck in this scary void place.

According to Sothis, this place was a realm of darkness which is separate to the world that Byleth came from.

Basically it would take a god to leave the place and then in time, both of their hearts and minds will cease to be which will kill them both.

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