Nowhere Left To Hide Part 6/10: "Three Years..."

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A/N: Again this one is gruesome, be careful!


A year after "Nowhere Left To Hide Part 5: Two Years..." and sometime in Verdant Moon.


It was year 1184 and Dimitri continued to live the horrid way he was now used to living.

In all this time of living, his height grew a lot and his hair got much longer and wild.

Dimitri didn't care about that anymore because all he wants is to kill the Emperor and her little dogs.

He wanted to kill all of them.

No matter what.

He would regularly hunt down Imperial Soldiers, Thieves & Bandits with no hesitation. It became a hobby at this point.

That's how impactful this war was.

However he fought in a battle against some Imperial Soldiers by himself at one point and this one very much impacted him.

Dimitri had found a camp that the Imperial Soldiers had been resting in the Kingdom Territory and waited to attack.

He hid himself as they all got ready to sleep.

One of the soldiers yawned.

The soldier walking alongside him playfully punched that soldier that yawned in the arm and chuckled. "You keep getting tired often these days."

"Ugh I can't help it buddy..."

"You'll turn into Linhardt at some point if you keep this up, sure he is a great mage but his ability to fall asleep all the time is ridiculous."

The yawning soldier snorted at that statement.

They kept talking until Dimitri attacked one of the two soldiers all of a sudden when they were reachable to kill. Dimitri had his hands on his neck from behind.

"What the? Where did you-"

Before the soldier could finish their sentence, his neck was snapped, making those words his last.

The soldier that was originally yawning and ready to sleep was suddenly wide awake. This didn't go unnoticed by Dimitri.

"It seems like your fully awake now." Dimitri said and the soldier looked terrified.

The soldier screamed to get the other soldiers in the camp's attention until Dimitri finished him off.

The other soldiers came running out of their tents, in absolute shock in what they had just seen.

"No way... your that beast everyone's been talking about!" One of the soldiers cried.

"You're... the same disgusting beast who killed my brother whom was an Imperial Soldier! I'll kill you!" One of the soldiers started to charge up against him.

Dimitri understood how that soldier felt but he didn't bother letting him off the hook. The soldier was still a monster dog to the emperor.

Dimitri quickly injured the soldier before he could land any attacks and finished him off.

The other soldiers became furious. They wanted this evil man before them to perish as fast as possible.

But Dimitri killed them all very easily and severely injured the leader of the Imperial Soldiers.

Dimitri had other ideas for that leader.

Once he was done with the remaining other soldiers, he came up to the badly wounded leader. The leader still had a dagger with him but that was all.

"Any last words before I kill you?" Dimitri leaned down over to the leader and stared at him.

The soldier gazed back at him.

"Yes... your prince Dimitri of Faerghus aren't you?"

"I'm no prince anymore... I'm just a walking corpse."

"I see.... and if your a walking corpse then you probably can't feel THIS!"


Dimitri was cut off by the dagger the leader pulled out and stabbed Dimitri in the eye.

Dimitri screamed out in pain as blood came out of his eye, it felt horrible.

Dimitri looked furious at the soldier and immediately killed him.

"Nghhh......" Dimitri put his hand over his eye and saw out of his other eye the blood that came out of it.

Though he knew he deserved it... He took away so many lives...

"Not enough people..."

Dimitri heard one of the ghosts again. It sounded like Glenn. Dimitri looked up with his other eye and he saw that Glenn was walking towards him.

"You clearly don't care to avenge us if you hold back, Edelgard being your step sister that you loved is the reason your holding back isn't it?" Glenn haunted Dimitri.

"N-no Glenn, I hate Edelgard and I won't ever hold back"

"Why should we believe a son as unworthy as you!" Dimitri's father showed up too.


"Kill her, avenge us, we need to rest in peace" All of the ghosts started to appear.

" K I L L "

" D E S T R O Y "

They all started their chants again...

Dimitri could only see the ghosts with one eye instead of two eyes. He could feel the blood from his eye dripping down on his cheek.

Something that will take some time to get used to.


A/N: Again sorry it's so short but hey atleast there are two parts in one day!

Again sorry if it is poorly written, ahh I know I should stop apologising but I can't help it, I get worried if I messed something up.

But can I just say thank you guys so much for 10k reads and 300 votes? Like wow, thank you guys, I love you all so much.

Anyways Thanks for reading guys, loveeeee you alll so much

Irreplaceable Love / Fire Emblem / Byleth x Dimitri shortstoriesWhere stories live. Discover now