"You ready to go?"

"Yeah. Before I forget, do you need me to borrow a computer from Aizawa or can I use yours?"

"Sho, you're my brother and I love you, but there's no way in hell you're using my computer. It's old and broken anyways."

"You got shitty porn on it or something?" Shinsou asks.

"Shut it eyebags. Do I need to go with you to get the computer?" Touya narrows his eyes at the purplette.

"Yeah. You need to sign a liability form and a consent form."

"Lead the way Mr hero school."

Shoto rolls his eyes and leads Touya to Aizawa's class. There's no other families there since everyone already left (except Shinsou). Aizawa is packing some of the trinkets and paper on his desk into a cardboard box. Before the brothers are completely in the room paperwork is shoved into Touya's face.

"Those are the liability and consent forms. Sign them then I'll get the computer."

"What a dick." Touya whispers grabbing a pen. He briefly reads through the forms and when he comes across the price of the computer it it's broken, he has half a stroke.

"If this breaks I owe 64500¥?! Are you fucking kidding me?!"

"I know. It's ridiculous and expensive."

Touya sighs and hands the signed forms to the teacher. Aizawa hands a computer to Shoto how places it in his backpack. They leave the classroom and make their way back outside. Shinsou is gone so they have no reason to not just leave. Touya hands Shoto a helmet and the younger boy puts it on.

"So Touya, what about that candy?"

Shoto smiles as he walks into the apartment with his bag full of candy and junk food he guilt tripped Touya into letting him get. As soon as he turns the corner he sees a head of white hair hovering over head of yellow.

"Come on Natsuo! Not on the couch!" Touya groans.

"Shut it old man."

"Did you pay for that couch? I didn't think so. If you're going to suck Haruko's face off at least do it on your room. Anyways, hi Haruko. How are your classes going?"

Haruko (now separated from Natsuo) is a bright shade of red.

"They're going great T-Touya!"

The oldest Todoroki laughs.

"I'm not going to hurt you kid. Honestly, I'm not even mad at you."

Haruko instantly relaxes and starts a rant about this one teacher who's being a piece of shit to half of the class. Natsuo grins at him and even Shoto (the oblivious legend) can tell how in love the two are.

Shoto heads into his room and stashes his haul where the fiends he calls brothers won't find them. Except Haruko. He always shares his stuff with Shoto so Shoto shares with him. It's a good trade off that started when Natsuo was a sophomore.

He starts munching on a box of Pocky and takes out his phone. Within minutes he's playing 8-Ball with Shinsuo and losing miserably. Despite his unavoidable loss, he smiles. He hasn't known the purple haired boy long but they both have really opened up to each other more than their other classmates.

The first day of online classes aren't that bad.  There's not any Zoom calls scheduled so it's just doing work online. Shoto easily finishes everything by 10am. Everyone else was out shopping (he didn't feel like going) so he just takes out his phone and scrolls mindlessly through any social media he can. Then out of the blue, Shinsou's profile pops up.


"I'm bored."

"You finish all your work to?"

"Yeah. Papa's crying reading the classes English work."

As of on cue and sob rings through the air followed by very muffled shouting and almost audible eye rolling (obviously from Aizawa). Shinsou rolls his eyes but the corners of his mouth twist upwards.

"Everyone left to go shopping. They're going to come home with either all junk food, or none at all."

"Praying for you."

Shoto smiles as the purpled haired boy presses his hands together as if he's actually praying.

"So, how much you wanna bet Kirishina and the hedgehog are fucking?"

"Wow. What happened to the praying Shinsou?"

"Real life happened. Call me Hitoshi."

"First name basis already? In that case, call me Shoto.

"Oh shut up."

"You got it Hitoshi."

"Am I going to regret this?"

"Definitely. 100% grantee."

When the Todoroki brothers + Haruko finally came home from the grocery store, Touya had been stepped on, Natsuo was livid that the store was out of his favorite snacks and poor Haruko looked exhausted. Whether it was from the store itself, dealing with the boys, or lack of sleep (the walls aren't that thick. Everyone heard them) in general no one  truly knows. The only real fact was Touya owed him a bottle of vodka and half a case of cheap beer (he had turned 20 a few months ago so no underage drinking involved).

(an. legal drinking age in japan is 20!!! don't drink irresponsibility!)

The second day of online schooling, Shoto wasn't so lucky. He had at least 3 Zoom calls within two hours. The first one went pretty smoothly with no issues on Shoto's end. The second one one the other hand, was a train wreck. Aizawa was talking about how to keep up with training when a furious Touya burst into the teens room. Thank god he was on mute.


"Natsuo put all of my stuff on the top shelves. I can't reach my shit and neither he or Haruko will help me."

"I'm literally on a class call right now.

"Is it important?"

"Touya, get out. I'll help your short ass later."

"I fight you ice boy!"

"You can't even reach me burnt ass!"

Touya lunges at his youngest brother who quickly moves the computer and positions himself so as soon as Touya gets close enough he can pick him and give him to Natsuo to deal with. It works. Shoto easily picks up his flailing older brother and quickly drops him in Natsuo's room before running out so Natsuo can't protest.

Once he's back in his room he texts Haruko.


He doesn't wait for a reply before quickly grabbing the (thankfully undamaged) computer.

"Now that the Todoroki brothers are done displaying which one is stronger, I would like to remind you all about online class decency."

Shoto just buries his hands in his palms. He's going to literally kill Touya.

Dabi is Touya OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now