"I left him with you. Now Im ready to answer."

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part 1/3

Shoto POV

I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes as I walked to the door. When I opened it a basket with blankets were there. As well as a bag. With a note. I picked up the basket and moved the blankets. It was a baby?! I ran inside to escape the cold air. I put the basket and bag on the table. I ripped open the note.


I'm so sorry to have to put you in this situation but I have no choice. You live the closest to where I am and I can't afford to make the trip to Fuyumi or Natsuo's house. The baby is my son Kyoshi. His mother (who is a male) is dead. I can't take care of a baby. My life is to dangerous for him. Please take care of him. He's five months old. His birthday is August 13. Make sure you give him the bird stuffie. That's his favorite. I'll come back one day for him. I promise.


My hand is shaking violently. There are tears stains on the bottom of the paper. I put the letter down and expose the baby again. He has the signature turquoise Todoroki eyes. But, he has blonde hair. I take him out of the basket and hold him how I've seen Eijiro hold his and Katsuki's son. I'm not very good at it. Is this kid really my brothers? Am I being played? What do you do in this situation? I stare at the baby. I get a DNA test tomorrow to make sure I'm not being punked. For now, I have no idea what to do. I guess I'll just stay up until morning. What other choice do I have?


The man hid in the bushes. Watching his brother clumsily pick up his son. He desperately wanted to burst inside and correct where his hands were.

You need more support on the head you idiot!

But, his thoughts weren't readable. Maybe that's a good thing. If his thoughts were read he would be discovered. His son would be in danger.

If only the baby's mother had lived. He didn't die in an accident. No, he was killed by something much worse.


"Well Dabi. Seems you broke a rule here. No family."

"Shigaraki please-"

"Save it. I already took care of it. Get lost. Never contact the league ever again. I already gave you the gift of not decaying him."

Shigaraki left and Dabi ran to his room. Laying on the bed was Hawks. Dead. The villain started sobbing and pulled the lifeless body into his arms. He stroked his hair and face as gently as possible. Then, he started singing.

"You are my sunshine.
My only sunshine.
You make me happy when skies are gray.
You'll never know dear, how much I love you.
Please don't take my sunshine away."

His voice was surprisingly clear and sturdy. A sob racked the air and Dabi jumped. The baby was home? The baby was alive?! He ran to the door at the end of the hallway and opened it. Sitting there was his 5 month old son. He scooped him up into his arms and held him tightly.

Dabi put the little boy back in his crib after coaxing him to sleep. He knew his son didn't understand anything that was going on. But that's okay. Better if he didn't know.

He quickly packed all of Kyoshi's essential items into a bag. Hesitating when he picked up the small bird stuffed animal Kyoshi loved so dearly. Then he packed up 3 of his outfits and burned the rest. He only took three other things.

His wedding ring

A photo of the three

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