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(a/n: a jye point of view you all didn't ask for 👉😔)

"You should have not done that to your NingKai." I told Minjee. She was wrong about me, after all. Especially that Chinese dork, Guanlin. Yes, I like Huening Kai, but as a brother! It's because he acts like my brother. A brother of mine who committed suicide eight months ago, because of this German girl who broke up with him. Not gonna lie, but he's such a coward for committing suicide just for a girl.

"What do you mean? Y-you—"

"Yes, bitch. I know." Damn, I cursed again.

"How?" Minjee asked, not daring to look at me straight in the eyes. She kept on looking at the painting. Oh come on, Minjee. You should date Huening Kai and let me date that Chinese dork.

"He told me and Guanlin. And Shuhua also told us. She was hanging out with us because Taehyun transferred." I explained, looking at my nails sassily.

"Taehyun"—she almost dropped our work. Almost—"Taehyun!? Kang?"

"Yes. Don't be too shocked. Even Shuhua was devastated. Now she's trying to hit on that Chinese dork." I looked at Minjee and she still has that shocked look on her face. I realized something; we're standing for minutes already and I'm tired.

"Let's go to the classroom. Your bag may be still heavy." Yes, she's still with her backpack because I just saw her at the hallway and told her to follow me straight to this room.

"But..I'm not ready to see them yet." She looked down and I scoffed. Weakling.

"Oh come on, they don't bite." I said and she looked at me, eyes full of hesitation. Minjee, I want to be friends with you but I'm scared. I'm scared that you will be leaving me one day. Guanlin, Kai, or anyone. I also don't want someone who is a weakling like me. I need someone to care for me..

"Jye, we care for you, but if you need friends, we're just here. Your attitude is okay, we'll get used to it. I still hate you for making me jealous but...we're the best Quadrumvirate. We won't consider you as a plus one, for now, I promise." She patted my shoulder and gave me a reassuring smile.

"Fuck? You can read minds?" I asked removing her hand from my shoulder. She shook her head. "No, I just heard what you said."

For a minute I lost my sassy mask and smiled at her. "Thank you, Minjee. Now let's go to the room now and see who misses you and who doesn't!" I cheerfully pulled her and skip-walked to the classroom.


Well I guess JyeJie has a mental problem. I shook the thought off and let her pull me. Once we reached the classroom, I took a deep breath and opened the sliding door.  As I opened it, I was surprised by Guanlin, engulfing me with a hug. Wow, he got taller!

"MinMin! I missed you!" I hugged him back and said, "I missed you too, Linlin!" I broke the hug when I noticed that the classroom became quiet.

"What about me? You didn't miss me? Even a bit? No hugs?" I looked at the person behind Guanlin. Oh, Huening Kai. I took a step towards him and crossed my arms. "No, I didn't miss you. Because..I really missed you! So much!" I chuckled and hugged him. I reckon that he was surprised by my sudden action, but hugged me back afterwards.

He broke the hug first. Disappointed but nit surprised.

"Oh, by the way, where is Shuhua?" I asked and Guanlin answered me. "Maybe she's at the garden. Her bag is here but she is not."

I nodded and looked at Kai with question, "Why did Taehyun transfer?" He sat on the table. "Family things. But he'll visit here sometimes. But I still worry for that hyung of mine." He blurted.

Guanlin inserted, "Shuhua has been very sad. Taehyun transferred, and you were absent for such a long time— by the way, your grades are going down— and, the good thing is, I forced Jye—"

"It's not like I wanted to! She even glared at m—"

Guanline glared at her which made her stop talking. "I forced Jyejie to be friends with Shuhua which eventually worked and I don't know how Jye did that but she ended up hanging out with us. She's been quiet all the time though. Poor Shuhua." LinLin pouted like it was a big deal for him. I mean, it really is though. She's our friend.

My eyes sparkled when I thought of an idea. I smirked at Guanlin. "Hey, what's with the smir—"

"Guys, I have a plan!" I looked at Kai, Jye, and of course, Guanlin.

"What is it—" I stopped the three of them.

"Operation: make Shuhua happy!" I winked at them and pulled Guanlin.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2020 ⏰

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