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Two days passed, and they already passed the project. Minjee was absent for days, but she told Guanlin to do the project with Huening Kai instead. Absent for days, waiting for someone to worry. She's been sick for days but no one cared. Even Guanlin was too busy, too. Adjusting for the school's curriculum, because as what he have said, it's different from Taiwan.

She thought about the prom. Or ball. It's now two months away, since the month of March just ended. Is Huening Kai really my partner this 'prom'? The lady thought, shrugging it off. Her life has been more stressful because her parents should be traveling back to the U.S. due to their business. They promised Minjee that they would send her money once a week, which they did.

Four days is enough, She thought. I should really go back to school.

Four days, thinking about the prom even though it's still two months away.

Four days anti-socializing

Four days of missing her friend in school, Shuhua.

Four days of missing the dork, Guanlin.

Four days of missing the boy she fell in love with at a young age, Huening Kai.

Four days thinking about the last thing she heard from Jyiejie, "He's not yours so I don't have to give anyone permission to get his attention."

Four days worrying, thinking that Guanlin and Kai might have had a fight.

Four days overthinking, What if Kai and Jye did things?

Four days feeling empty.

Four days feelings depressed, but she made sure that it's not depression.


"Oi, Hua Minjee!" I turned around to know who called my name. I expected it to be Shuhua but it was the bitch that I despised the most.


"What do you want?" I asked irritatingly as I dropped my bag to the floor and crossed my arms, facing her. She smiled. No, not a fake one, but a real and exciting smile.

"We got perfect on the project!" She exclaimed, making me crease my forehead. We?

"What do you mean, 'we'? As far as I have remembered, it was only Guanlin, Kai, and me. How come-"

"On the second day that you were absent, the teacher said that I should replac- I mean be added to your group, and it has been a really great opportunity!" She said jollily. Yeah, great opportunity because you would get to flirt with both of my friends.

"If you don't mind, is the project given back to us now? I want to see how you guys did it." I favored and she nodded, "Follow me!" She motioned me to follow her.

And now we're at the school's House of Art. There were lots of paintings and crafts inside. But only one caught my attention. It was a painting of a girl, facing her back at the boy, crossing her arms while the boy was pointing at her- no, the boy was trying to hold her, while his other hand was holding a rose, hiding it at his back.


"Yeah, that's our work. The painting you're staring at. Our arts teacher said that the project that has caught her attention will be placed at the school's House of Art." She explained, and what surprised me was her, placing her hand on my shoulder.

"You should have not done that to your NingKai."


hello! i really miss you guys, my readers of STD,
where are you? 🥺🥺🥺 HAHAHAAH but anyways,
thank you so much for reading this book, even though
there are very very very late updates. see you 'till the very
next updates, dear lianings! i love you all and stay safe
Always!!!1!1!1!1!1! <3

weisolia xing

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