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h u a   m i n j e e

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h u a m i n j e e

"since your adviser forgot to tell you an announcement, i guess i'll have to say it then." ms. kang said, sister of taehyun.

"since the school year will almost 'end' which is still three months away, the school will host a farewell party for the juniors who'll be soon seniors. and you should have a partner but it will be by pairs of class numbers." she explained further more and some of them complained because they don't like their pair. i mean, blame your fathers for having you that last name.

while i'm here, chilling because i forgot who is my pair in the class' record. sigh, i never pay attention on anything do i?

"now for the h.. oh! it's just huening kai and hua minjee who has their last name as h! you will be the partners for the farewell party. goodluck." mrs. kang said and exited the classroom.

that's it? no discussion? cool.


we didn't even finish half of the project yet and now, we're gonna be partners for the grand farewell party!?


okay self, stop being hysterical.

ms. kang once again entered the room, "and this year's theme is blue. please wear a formal blue."

"but the farewell is still three months away!? why announce now!?" i complained in front of shuhua.

"what? why me! blame the teachers and offices!" she exclaimed and i snobbed, "your not helping, shuhua."

"i don't know how to help," i snobbed again at her as she grinned, "at least your partners with your err, crush?" i slapped her and she winced, "ow, ow, ow! okay! friend!" now it's her turn to snob at me as i chuckled.

"since they said it's gonna be blue, then i'll wear blue jeans." i said chillingly and shuhua smacked my head, "ow!" i winced.

"idiot! did you even hear ms. kang say formal!? " i snobbed at her, "you mean your future sister in-law?" and oh well, she chuckled. i was suppose to make her annoyed!

"but hey, be happy that there's no discussion," she said and smiled and as seconds passed her smile grew wider, "ehem, ehem." i sassily raised my brow at her and she looked away.

i felt a light tap on my shoulder and fuck, it's huening kai. i raised my brow at him for the nth time, "what?"

"well, for the project, err let's go to the library later at lunch time?" he asked and i nodded, "yeah, sure." and he walked away.

see? he only approaches you if he needs something.

"aww, i'm gonna be alone again since there is gonna be a minkai moment later." she pouted which i find it half cute and gross. and she made us a ship name!? it's cute but unacceptable.

"yeah whatever, let me sleep." i told her as the cold desk met my face.

(skip to lunch time bc i'm a lazy author)

"so uhh, why the library?" i asked hueningkai as we entered and the cold aircon welcomed us. he shrugged and headed to the comic section.

*insert annoyed/angry anime face lol*

so he just pulled me here for no reason!?

i followed him and great, i'm like his tail.

"you still love comics," i smiled at him as he still got that poker face on. "and i thought you would forget about that." i sighed as i mentally face-palmed my self.

"look, i'm sorry ok?" i said as i sat beside him, leaning on the cold table. oh, just like him cold.

"for what?"

"for everything,"

"err, the past is the past." he said. oh, you bastard!

"you said the past is the past, yet you keep on talking about the past when i rejected you!! what the fuck huening kai!?" i fired at him and i harshly stood up, leaving the library.

the school's unpopular garden.

i cried silently as i want to hate myself for this. this thing is just so small yet why do i cry for this? urgh.

oh, this was also the place where our friendship was broken.

so yeah!! this is like the longest chapter i made in this story!! hahahsbsahah anyways thank you so much for 3k reads!!! i appreciate it so much uwu


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