Season 3 Episode 3: Walk with Me

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(It was early in the morning, Kaz, Neeku, and CB-23 are looking for supplies when suddenly, they come across a new community.)

Neeku, what is this place?, Kaz said confusedly.

I don't know Kaz, it must be a new community and I'm scared, Neeku said as he hid behind him.

It's going to be alright Neeku, let's go back to the prison and tell Yeager about it, Kaz said as he put a hand on his shoulder.

Ok, I'm right behind you, Neeku said as CB-23 followed behind them.

After a while, they made it back to the prison.

Kaz, did you find some supplies?, Yeager said as he put a hand on his shoulder.

Yeah, but we found a new community and I saw that Andrea is with someone called the Governor, Kaz said as he cuddled up next to Yeager.

Don't worry my son, we'll figure it out together, Yeager said as he kissed Kaz's forehead.

Kazuda, you found a new community?, Captain Doza said as he put a hand on his shoulder.

Yeah, and I saw Andrea with a man called the Governor, Kaz said with a concerned look on his face.

What, how is that possible?, Captain Doza said with a shocked look on his face.

Apparently, they're in love, Kaz said as he put a hand on Captain Doza's shoulder.

After a while, Venisa walked outside and she noticed that Captain Doza is upset about something.

Imanuel, what's wrong my love?, Venisa said as she put her hand on his shoulder.

*Sighs,* Kaz just told me that he saw Andrea with a man called the Governor, Captain Doza said as he rested his head on her shoulder.

We need to tell Rick, Venisa suggested.

You're right Venisa, let's go tell him, Captain Doza said as he held her hand.

(After getting some supplies, they need to figure out who the Governor is and how to kill him.)

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