Season 2 Episode 8: Nebraska

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( After a long search, Kaz and the rest of the search party found a bar.)

Guys, should we go inside and see if Hershel is there?

Yeah, we should. Lead the way Kaz.

( So Kaz and the search party entered the bar.)

Hershel, we need you back at the farm, your two daughters need you.

No, I'm not going back.

Hershel, your family needs you, we all need you, Kaz said as he pulled out a picture of him with Team Fireball/ Team Colossus.

You're right Kaz, I will go back.

That's the spirit Hershel.

( So Kaz and his group were talking when suddenly, two guys walked in.)

Who are you guys?

I'm Sean and this is my friend Tony.

I'm Rick and this is my group.

Nice to meet you guys.

Nice to meet you guys too.

Yeager, I don't know if we can trust the two guys.

Yeah, you're right Kaz, I feel the same way.

( As Yeager and Kaz were talking, they saw Rick shoot the two guys.)

Rick, what happened?

They had guns so I had to shoot them.

Ok, that makes sense. I didn't trust them in the first place.

( After a while, a car pulled up and two guys walked to the door.)

Are Sean and Tony in there?

No, they're not. They are dead.

You shot them first.

Your friends drew their guns at us first, Kaz said as he took out two infinite ammunition pistols.

( After a while, everyone managed to get out of the bar and Yeager saw a guy fall off the roof and land on a fence.)

Beep Boop ( Yeager, what happened?)

There is a guy who got his leg impaled by a fence and Hershel is helping him.

( After a long fight for survival, Kaz and the rest of the group are on their way back to the farm when suddenly, Captain Doza contacted Yeager.)

Yeager, thank goodness you guys are alright.

We're fine Captain Doza, we are heading back to the farm now.

That's good, so did you guys find Hershel?

Yeah, we did and he thought it would be a great idea to save this guy who got his leg impaled by a fence.

Great work guys, I'll see you soon Yeager and may the force be with you.

May the force be with you too Captain Doza.

( After talking with Captain Doza, the group was on their way back to the farm, back to safety, and back to the rest of the main group.)

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