Season 1 Episode 6: TS-16

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( After a long drive, they stopped and Kaz was confused about why they have stopped.)

Captain Doza?

What is it Kaz?

Why did we stop?

Jim is getting worse, so I had Rick put him by that tree and if you want to go say goodbye to him, everyone is already over there saying goodbye.

Ok, I'll go say goodbye to Jim.

( So Kaz got out of the RV and he walked over to Jim.)

Here Jim, take this gun, you might need it.

No Kaz, I don't need it, I feel like I'm at peace and I'm going to be able to see my family again.

Ok, it looks like this is goodbye Jim.

It is, goodbye Kaz and good luck with surviving.

( So Kaz and the rest of the group said goodbye to Jim, got into the RV, and headed towards the CDC.)


What is it Torra?

That's four people we lost in two days.

I know Torra, but we have to move on.

You're right, let's just get to the CDC.

( After a long drive, Kaz and the rest of the group made it to the CDC.)

We made it to the CDC, and I have one question.

What is it Kaz?

How are we going to get in?

I don't know, it looks like all of the entrances are shut.

Wait a second, Yeager?

What is it Tam?

I saw the camera move.

Really, are you sure?

Yes, someone is in there.

( So Yeager knocked on the door and it opened.)

That was easier than I thought.

( The door opened and Kaz and the rest of the group are introduced to Dr. Edwin Jenner.)

Make your selves at home, we have bedrooms and food.

That's great, thank you.

Yeager, are you sure we can trust this guy?

I don't know Tam, we just have wait and see what happens.

( The next morning, Kaz and the rest of the group just finished eating breakfast and Dr. Jenner wants to show something to Kaz and the rest of the group.)

I want to show you guys something.

What is it?

It's how the virus progresses throughout the body and kills your every single one of your organs except for the brain stem.

( As Dr. Jenner was talking, Kaz saw something flash through the patient's head.)

Dr. Jenner?


What just happened on the screen?

I had to shoot my patient TS-16.

Who was patient TS-16?

She was my wife.

I'm sorry for your loss.

Thank you.

( After a while, Dr. Jenner locked the door and started the count down clock for the CDC to explode.)

"Open the door," Yeager yelled.

Jarek, what's going on?

Captain Doza, he just locked the door and there's a count down clock for the explosion of the CDC.

( After a lot of convincing, Dr. Jenner opened the door and everyone made it to the window.)

How are we supposed to get out of here?

Captain Doza, leave that to me, Charizard, I choose you, Kaz said as he threw the poke ball and he emerged.

Where did you get a Charizard?

I had him when he was a Charmander.


Yeah, I'm going to use Charizard to break the glass.

Ok, do it Kaz, we don't have much time.

Alright, Charizard, use flamethrower on the glass.


( So Kaz's Charizard used flamethrower on the glass and the group was able to escape, get in the RV, just in time to see the CDC explode.)

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