Season 2 Episode 9: Triggerfinger

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( It was late at night, Kaz and Yeager are fighting back against the living and the dead. And they were told by Rick that they would catch up with them.)

Yeager, we need to get back to the farm and tell Captain Doza what happened.

You're right Kaz. Bucket, can you hot wire the car?

Beep Boop ( Yeah, I can do it.)

Good, get to work Bucket, we don't have much time until more walkers show up.

Beep Boop ( Don't worry Yeager, I'll have the car hot wired soon. Just protect me while I'm doing it.)

You can count on us Bucket.

( So Bucket hot wired the car, and Yeager was proud of his droid.)

Beep Boop ( Kaz, do you think Rick, Glenn, and Hershel will be alright?)

Don't worry CB, Rick is the toughest person I've ever met. He'll make sure that they make it back safely.

( After a long drive, they made it back to the farm.)

Yeager, did you find Hershel?

Yeah, but they are fighting some random people because Rick shot two guys that we met earlier.

Let's hope that they get back soon.

Me too Kaz, me too.

( So the group were eating dinner when suddenly, Tam noticed that Shane just left for some reason.)

Hey Carl?


Where is Shane going?

He is going to go look for my mom.

Ok, let's hope that he doesn't get himself killed.

Tam, he's not going to get himself killed, he's already going insane.

You're right Kaz, Shane changed into a completely different person after he killed Otis.

( After a while, Shane came back with Lori, and Rick, Glenn, and Hershel came back with a guy named Randall.)

Yeager, what is going on?

Captain Doza, that's the guy I was talking about.

What happened to his leg?

He impaled it on a fence.

We need to figure out what we should do with him.

I know what we should do.

What is it?

Tie him up and put him in the barn.

Rick, do you agree with that?

Yeah, I agree with you Kaz.

Alright, let's tie him up so he doesn't hurt anyone.

( So Kaz tied Randall up and Shane put him in the barn.)

Shane, please don't beat him to death. If you do, I'll have my droid CB-23 shock you.


( So everyone made it back safe and Shane was coming up with a plan to get information from Randall by interrogating him.)

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