Season 2 Episode 2: Bloodletting

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( Back on the Highway, Yeager heard a gunshot.)

Doza, I heard a gunshot.


Yeah, I hope Kaz is alright.

Don't worry Jarek, Kaz will be fine. Let's go find them and take Glenn, Lori, Daryl, and Andrea.

Ok, let's go find them.

( At the Farm, Carl was getting help.)

What are your names?

My name is Kaz, and these are some of my friends, Tam, Neeku, and my droid CB-23.

Nice to meet all of you, this is my daughter Maggie and my other daughter Beth.

Nice to meet you guys.

The pleasure is all mine.



Take a horse and go get Rick's wife Lori.

Ok, I'll go get her and be right back.

( Back in the woods, the rest of the group finished killing all of the walkers,  when suddenly, Yeager saw someone on a horse.)

Who are you?

My name is Maggie and I'm here to get Lori.

Ok, why do you need Lori?

It's Carl, he's been shot.

Ok, what should we do?

Follow me to my farm, my Father will help.

( So Yeager and the rest of the group followed Maggie back to the farm, and they closed the gate.)

Kaz, we're here, what happened?

Carl was shot.

How did that happen?

Hunting accident.


Yeah, Carl was about to touch a deer, when suddenly, a bullet went straight through the deer, killing it, then it hit Carl.

So, that's what happened?

Yeah, that's what happened Yeager.

At least you guys are ok.

Were you worried about me?


Sorry for making you worry Yeager, we needed to get Carl here as soon as possible or he could've died.

That's alright Kaz, I'm just glad you are safe.

Yeager, what's going on?

Carl got shot Venisa, and Kaz had to bring him here to get help.

Is he going to be ok?

Yeah, he just needs medical supplies from an old high school.

Ok,  go with Shane, Otis, Poe and Bucket.

Ok, can you do me a favor Venisa?

What is it Yeager?

Can you keep an eye on everyone.

You can count on me and Imanuel.

Ok, thanks. We'll be back as soon as we can.

( After Yeager, Poe, Shane, Otis, and Bucket left to go get medical supplies, CB-23 was worried about Carl.)

Are you worried about him CB-23?

Beep Boop ( Yeah, I'm worried about him Kaz, let's hope Yeager comes back soon.)

Don't worry CB, Carl is a strong kid, and remember that time we went to go rescue Norath and the bounty hunter shot his weapon and grazed me on the shoulder?

Beep Boop ( Yeah, I remember that.)

Ok, so you have nothing to worry about CB, I'm strong just like Carl and I believe that he is going to pull through.

Beep Boop ( You're right Kaz, thank you for being my master.)

You're welcome CB, you are part of the family.

Hey Kaz.

Hey Torra.

How is Carl?

He's hanging in there, Yeager just left with Bucket, Otis, Poe and Shane to go get medical supplies for him.

Ok, let's hope they come back safe.

( So the rest of the group wait for Yeager, Bucket, Shane, and Otis to get back with the medical supplies to save Carl.)

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