Season 1 Episode 5: Wildfire

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( The next morning, Kaz was helping Glenn bury their group members.)

Hey Glenn?


I'm glad that we got back in time to save most of the group.

Yeah, me too.

( Over by the camp fire, Yeager was about to stab Ed, so he doesn't turn into a walker, when suddenly, Carol came over and said that she can do it because it was her husband and he handed her the axe.)

Thanks Yeager.

You're welcome Carol, I'm sorry for your loss.

Thank you, I appreciate it.

( It was late in the morning, and Jacqui noticed blood on Jim's shirt and she went to tell Captain Doza.)

Captain Doza, a walker bit Jim.



Show it to us, Captain Doza yelled.

Hold on Doza, Daryl lift up his shirt.


( So Daryl lifted up his shirt and Kaz was shocked.)

Kaz, what's going on?

Jim got bit by a walker Tam.

What, when did that happen?

Last night during the walker raid on the camp.

What do we do Jarek?

Well, we need to go to the CDC and see if they are working on a cure.

Good idea Doza, Rick what do you think?

I think it is our best bet on saving Jim.

Alright, it's decided, we are going to the CDC.


What is it Venisa?

Do you think that there is a cure?

I don't know, but it's our best shot at saving Jim.

Beep Beep Boop ( When are we leaving?)

We are leaving soon Torch, don't worry.

Yeager, do we have everything?

Yeah, we have everything Kaz.

Awesome, let's go tell Captain Doza that we're ready to go.

I'm right behind you Kaz.

( So Kaz, Yeager, and the rest of the group met up with Captain Doza and Venisa Doza and they left base camp and headed towards the CDC.)

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