Season 1 Episode 3: Tell It To The Frogs

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( Team Fireball is going to the camp and they are going to meet the rest of the group. And Kaz saw Glenn having a great day.)

At least someone is having a great day.


Yeah Kaz?

I don't know what to expect from everyone when we arrive at the camp.

Don't worry Kaz, Morales will introduce us to everyone.

( After a long drive, they ended up at the camp.)

Alright guys, come meet everyone.

Ok, let's go guys.

( As they got out of the car, they heard Morales say come say hello.)

Hi, my name is Kaz and this is the rest of Team Fireball.

It's nice to meet you guys.

It's nice to meet you too and you must be Shane.

Wait, how do you know my name?

Rick told us.

Rick, he's alive?

Yeah, and here he is now.

( As Rick walked out of the car, he saw his wife Lori and his son Carl. And he ran to them and hugged them.)


Yeah Kaz?

It's great to see Rick and his family back together again.

Yeah, it reminds me of my wife and daughter.

So, you got out of the hospital because of your new friends?

Yeah, they helped me find you, Lori, and Carl.

Kaz, thank you for finding Rick.

You're welcome Shane, we'll do anything to help our friends.

So, you guys are the Resistance?

Yeah, I stated that after Yeager was captured by the First Order.

( The next morning, Kaz, Daryl, Rick, Glenn, T-Dog, and CB-23 went back to Atlanta to save Merle.)


What is it Jarek?

Let's hope Kaz is going to be alright.

Yeah, I hope so too.

( Back in Atlanta, Kaz opened the door only to find out that Merle was missing.)

CB-23, scan the area, and see if you can locate Merle.

Beep Boop ( Ok Kaz, I'm on it.)

Hey Kaz?

What is it Glenn?

I found his hand.


Yeah, and that means he escaped somehow.

Ok, I'll put it in my back pack.

Alright, let's head back to camp and retrieve Rick's bag of guns.

Ok, lead the way Kaz.

( Back at camp, Yeager was helping Shane fix the RV, when suddenly, Dale walked over and told Yeager that we have a problem.)

What's wrong?

It's Jim, he's been digging holes all morning.

Ok, I'll go see if I can help.

( So Yeager and Captain Doza walked up to where Jim was digging holes.)

Jim, you need to stop, you are scaring Carol's daughter, and you are scaring Tam and Torra.

Well, if it's scaring you guys, just leave me alone.

( After Jim talked, Yeager did not waste any time and tied him to a tree.)

Hey, what are you doing?

It's for your own good, Yeager said as Bucket rolled up beside him.

( Over at the lake, Tam, Synara, Carol, Andrea, Amy, and Jacqui were washing clothes and talking about what they missed. And as they were all laughing, Carol's abusive husband walked and said what was so funny, and Tam said nothing that concerns you Ed. And he told Carol to come with him, and that's when he hit Carol which made Shane upset, so he ended up punching him. And Synara said, that's enough. And everyone else was shocked to see Shane punch someone that violently.)

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