Season 1 Episode 4: Vatos

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( In Atlanta, Kaz, CB-23, Glenn, T-Dog, Daryl, and Rick were figuring out a plan to get the bag of guns.)

Ok, here's what we're going to do, here's the tank and here's the bag of guns. Here's the alleyway were we first met, I'll get the bag of guns and you guys will be my backup.

Ok, let's do this.

( After Glenn got the bag of guns, he was thrown into a car.)

Daryl, what happened?

We were attacked by a group of guys and they took Glenn hostage.

What should we do Rick?

Well, we should talk to them and see if we can trade some of the guns for Glenn.

Good idea guys, lead the way CB-23.

( After a while, they ended up at the Vatos gang hideout.)

Do you have Glenn?

Do you have the guns?

Yeah, how about a trade?

( After negotiating, they were lead to the room where Glenn was.)

Glenn, what's going on?

This guy had trouble breathing, and they asked me to help.

I thought you were getting eaten by dogs man.

Ruff, Ruff.

( After talking with the Vatos gang, Kaz and the rest of the group walked to the car only to find out that it was gone.)

Who would take the car?


Are you sure it was him?

Yes, I'm sure. Look at the tire tracks.

You're right, it looks like we have to walk back to camp.

Yeah, let's go CB-23.

Beep Boop ( Ok, I'm right behind you Kaz.)

( Back at the camp, Yeager and the rest of the group are having dinner.)

Wait Amy, where are you going?

I have to go to the bathroom, geez can everyone be a little discreet around here.

*Laughs*, that's funny.

( After a while, Amy opened the door to the trailer and a walker came out of the woods, and bit Amy on the arm.)


Torra get behind me, Captain Doza said as he shot a couple of walkers.

( As the walkers were attacking the camp, Kaz saw what was happening, and started to chop walkers heads off.)

Kaz, thank goodness your here, Yeager said as he shot a walker.

( After all the walkers were dead, Kaz looked over at Andrea and her sister Amy.)

Kaz, what's wrong?

See for your self Tam, it's not good.

( So Tam walked over with Yeager and she hugged him because she hates seeing people die.)

It's going to be alright Tam, you have us and we are a family and we stick together.

( After all of the Chaos, Kaz and the rest of the group bury their fellow group mates and decided to continue in the morning.)

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