Season 2 Episode 7: Pretty Much Dead Already

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( It was early in the morning, and everyone was enjoying breakfast when suddenly, Glenn said that the barn is full of walkers.)

Yeager, did you hear what Glenn said?

Yeah, and I'm shocked.

Beep Beep Boop ( What are we going to do?)

I don't know Torch.

Venisa, what's going on?

Imanuel, Glenn said that the barn is full of walkers.

( After talking with Hershel, Kaz, Tam, and CB-23 helped him and Rick gather some walkers that were Hershel's neighbors before all of this started.)

Rick, what are we going to do with these "people"?

Apparently Hershel wants to put them in the barn.

Ok, let's hope Shane doesn't get violent.

( Back at the farm, Shane saw what was going on.)

" Shane, stop. Don't do this," Kaz said as he held up his samurai sword.

( After Shane killed Hershel's neighbors, he proceeded to unlock the barn doors.)

"Shane, stop," Yeager said as he was protecting his team.

( So Shane ignored everyone and unlocked the door and walkers came out.)

Maggie, should I help?

Yeah, go ahead Kaz.

Thanks, let's do this Tam.

Right behind you Kaz.

( After killing all walkers, Yeager saw what happened to Sophia, she was bitten by a walker and she turned.)

Imanuel, she was in the barn the entire time, and we didn't know, Venisa said as she lowered her blaster.

You guys tried everything you could, Captain Doza said as he put a hand on her shoulder.

Torra what's going on?, Hype said with a confused tone.

We found Sophia, but she turned into a walker and Rick had to put her out of her misery.

( After the whole ordeal with the walkers, Hershel left to go to the bar and take up an old habit. And Yeager has sympathy for Carol and she appreciates it.)

Yeager, where did Hershel go?

I don't know, but me, Glenn, Rick, and Bucket are going to go find him. Do you and CB-23 want to come?

Yeah, count me in.

Alright, let's go.

( So Yeager, Kaz, Glenn, Rick, CB-23, and went to go look for Hershel and convince him to come back to the farm.)


What is it Doza?

Be careful out there, I'll contact you guys when you are on your way back to the farm.

Ok, keep everyone safe.

You can count on me Yeager.

( After Rick's small search party left, Doza, made it his top priority to protect everyone at the farm including the Aces, Kaz, Tam, Neeku, Venisa, and the droids.)

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