Season 2 Episode 6: Secrets

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( It was late in the afternoon, and Yeager noticed that Glenn was with Maggie.)

Synara, what's going on with Glenn?

He's been hanging out with Maggie for some reason.

Is he breaking the barriers between the two groups?

I don't know, but what I do know is that Glenn likes her, Synara said as she laughed.

Yeah, I think that he likes her too, but he knows far too much for his comfort level.

( Meanwhile, back in the woods, Kaz, Neeku, Tam, and Daryl are making their way back to the farm.)

Kaz, how far is the farm?

Not that much farther, we'll be there soon.

Ok, the sooner the better, Tam said as she explained to Kaz that there are walkers in the woods.

Don't worry Tam, I have my samurai sword.

Ok, I can see why Yeager chose us for the mission.

( After a while, they made it back to the farm when suddenly, a bullet grazed Daryl.)

" Andrea, that wasn't a walker," Yeager said as he took the gun from her.

Yeager, what happened?

Synara, I'm glad your here. Andrea grazed Daryl with a bullet.

Why would she do that?

She thought it was a walker.

Is he ok?

He's going to be fine.

Can I have my gun back?

No, Dale doesn't trust you with one, Yeager said as he handed it to him.

Yeager, is Daryl ok?

Yeah, he's going to be fine Kaz, and I'm glad you guys made it back safe.

Beep Boop ( Kaz, you're back, I was worried about you.)

Hey CB, I was worried about you too. And did you make sure that everyone was safe?

Beep Boop ( Yeah, everyone is safe and Yeager saw Glenn and Maggie together.)


Beep Boop ( Yeah, I was surprised myself.)

Hey guys.

Hey Torra.

Any luck with finding Sophia?

No, we looked everywhere in the woods and we couldn't find her.

Hey Torra?


Did you hear what happened to Daryl?

No, what happened Synara?

Andrea grazed him with a bullet, and Yeager had to take the gun from her.

What, why would she do that?

I don't know, but what I do know is that Yeager and Dale don't trust her with a gun.

( After a while, Daryl recovered and told Maggie about the horse.)

Maggie, your horse got spooked by a snake.

Where did it run off to?

I don't know.

Don't worry Daryl, I'll tell my dad and we'll sort it out.

Hey Kaz.

Hey Poe.

Did you find Sophia?

No, we looked everywhere in the woods, and we couldn't find her Poe. I'm fearing the worst case scenario.

I agree, we need to find her before anything else does.

Kaz, I need to speak with you and the Aces.

Ok, let's hope this is not a bad thing.

( So Captain Doza gathered all the Aces and told them that the mission to find Sophia was reaching a critical point.)

I can't believe that she's still missing Father, what if something happens to her.

Torra, we're doing all we can to help the group find Sophia and we need all the help that we can get.

You're right Father, the mission is not over until it's over.

Kaz, what's your plan? Hype said in confusion.

My plan is to use my Lycanroc ( Dusk Form) to track down Sophia.

You have two Pokémon?

Yeah, Charizard and Lycanroc.

( So the Aces decided to use Pokémon to look for Sophia, but what they don't know is that the barn is full of walkers.)

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