Season 2 Episode 1: What Lies Ahead

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( It has been two months since the CDC blew up, and after being on the road for a while, the RV stopped.)

Dale, why did we stop?

There are a bunch of cars blocking the way and we have to push every single one out of the way.

Is that the only way that the RV can get through?

Yes, it's the only way Kaz.

Alright, so what is the plan?

Well, see what supplies you can find.

Ok, CB-23 let's go find some supplies.

Beep Boop ( Ok Kaz, I'm right behind you.)

( After finding some supplies, Kaz and CB-23 saw Shane over by a truck with water.)

Shane, save some water for the rest of the group.

Don't worry Kaz, I will.

CB-23, go tell Dale that we got a lot of supplies.

Beep Boop ( Ok Kaz, I'm on it.)

( After CB-23 went to go tell Dale about the supplies, Kaz saw walkers heading right for them.)


What is it Kaz?

There's a lot of walkers heading towards us, tell everyone to hide.

Ok, I'm on it. Everyone, we have to hide, there are walkers heading towards us.

Ok, thanks for being here to help us.

You're welcome, now let's go hide, so the walkers can't see or get us.

( After the walkers left, Yeager realized that Carol's daughter Sophia is missing.)

Hey Venisa?


Have you seen Carol's daughter Sophia?

No, I haven't seen her since the walkers left.

This is bad, we need to go tell Daryl.

Agreed, let's go.

( So Venisa and Yeager went to go tell Daryl about what happened to Carol's daughter Sophia.)

Venisa, are you alright?

I'm fine Imanuel.

That's good, so what's wrong?

Carol's daughter Sophia is missing, Imanuel, Venisa said sadly.



Hey, we'll find her Venisa, I promise, Captain Doza said as he put a hand on her shoulder.

Yeager, what's going on?

Kaz, thank goodness your here, we want you, Tam, Neeku, and CB-23 to go with Rick, Carl, and Shane and help them find Carol's daughter Sophia.

Ok Yeager, I'll go tell Tam and Neeku, and we'll go right away.

( So Kaz and CB-23 went over to where Tam and Neeku are and told them that they have to help Rick find Carol's daughter Sophia.)

Carol's daughter Sophia is missing?

Yeah, and Yeager told me that we are going to be accompanying Rick, Shane, and Carl.

Ok, so when do we leave?

We're going right now.

Ok, let's go.

( After Rick, Shane, Carl, Tam, Neeku, Kaz, and CB-23 left to go search for Sophia, Venisa was wrapping up T-Dog's arm.)

Venisa, is he going to be alright?

Yes, he's going to be fine Imanuel, but he might have an infection.

That's not good, we need to find him help right away.

( Back in the woods, Kaz was talking to Neeku when suddenly, a bullet shot through the deer and hit Carl.)

We need to get some help.

Good idea Tam.

Thanks Kaz, follow me.

( So Kaz followed Tam and the rest of the group hoping that they find help for Carl.)

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