Season 2 Episode 2: Guts

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( As the walkers were eating the horse, Team Fireball saw Rick emerge from the tank and ran towards the alley, and they followed. That's when they ran into the guy who was on the radio)

Wait, were you the guy who was on the radio?

Yeah, my name is Glenn.

Nice to meet you, my name is Kaz and this is Torra, Synara, Poe, Captain Doza, Yeager, BB-8, Neeku, and CB-23

Nice to meet you guys.

Nice to meet you too, do you know how to get out of Atlanta?

Yeah, the only way to get out of Atlanta is to cover yourself in walker guts and it will make the walkers think that you guys are one of them.

That sounds gross, Kaz said as he thought about it.

Yeah, but it's the only way to get through the walkers.

Ok, let's do it.

( So Team Fireball walked into the room where Rick and his new friends were and Torra looked over and saw that Glenn was already throwing up.)

Yeager, is this the only way to get out of Atlanta?

Yeah, and we have no other choice.

I guess I'll do it with you guys.

Ok Kaz, just follow me and Glenn and you'll be fine.

Alright, wish me luck guys.

Good luck Kaz, and be careful, Yeager said as he put a hand on his shoulder.

I will Yeager, don't worry.

( So Kaz, Rick, and Glenn started to walk past the walkers when suddenly, it started to rain.)

Rick, the guts are washing away.

That's not good we have to run and find a truck so we can get your crew and everyone else out of Atlanta.

That's a great idea Rick, I'll contact Yeager.

( So Kaz took out his communication device and contacted Yeager.)

Yeager, you and the rest of Team Fireball stay where you are, me, Rick, and Glenn are coming back for you.

Ok, thanks Kaz.

You're welcome Yeager, just stay safe.

I will Kaz.

( So Kaz found the truck and Rick decided to let him drive because he saw that he was a Resistance pilot just like Poe.)

Kaz, Thank goodness you're here, the walkers are breaking through the glass.

Ok, get in Team Fireball.

Guys, should we get Merle?

No, he's a danger to the group, so Rick had to handcuff him to the roof.

I dropped the key down a storm drain.



T-Dog, it's not your fault, it's Merle's fault.

Thanks Poe.

( So Team Fireball, Rick Glenn, T-Dog, Andrea, Morales, Jacqui escaped Atlanta and Kaz was laughing at Glenn driving a red car.)

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