Season 2 Episode 12: Better Angels

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It was early in the morning, and they just had a small funeral service for Dale.

It was my fault that he died.

It wasn't your fault Carl, Synara reassured him.

After a while, Kaz saw Shane torturing Randall and went to go tell Yeager and Captain Doza.

Yeager, we have a situation.

What is it Kaz?

Shane is torturing Randall.

What, why would he do that?

I don't know Yeager, I have my Lycanroc just in case something happens.

After a while, they entered the barn.

Shane stop, beating him up isn't going to solve anything, Yeager said as he had his samurai sword in his hand.

He's not telling me anything about his group.

Well, beating him up and torturing him is not going to give you the answers, Kaz said as he sent out his Lycanroc.

Yeager, what are we going to do with him?

I don't know Doza, I'm going to have to talk to Rick about it, Yeager said as he put his samurai sword on his back.

Lycanroc, the wolf Pokémon said as he looked up at Kaz.

I know Lycanroc, I'm looking at the worst case scenario, Kaz said as he petted the wolf Pokémon.

After a while, they went back to the farmhouse.

Imanuel, what happened?

Shane was torturing Randall.

Why would he do that?

He's trying to get information about his group.

That's not good, we need to tell the Aces about the situation.

Alright, I'll tell the Aces.

After a while, Venisa told the Aces about the situation.

Why would he do something like that commander Doza?

I don't know, but we just talked to Rick and he said that he can talk to him.

Ok, let's hope that he's able to talk to him without killing him.

Yeah, we've lost too many people already.

Later that night, Kaz, Neeku, Tam, and CB-23 are making sure that the gate was closed when suddenly, they saw Rick talking to Shane and he killed him with a knife which triggered the gun to fire.

Beep Boop ( Kaz, I can't believe it.)

I can't believe it either CB.

After a while, Yeager, Captain Doza, Venisa, Synara, Bucket, Torch, Poe, BB-8, and the rest of the Aces heard a gunshot and when they arrived, they saw that Shane was dead.

Kaz, what happened?

We were checking the gate to make sure it was closed and then we saw Rick talking to Shane and then he killed him with a knife, Kaz explained.

After Kaz explained what happened, Shane came back as a walker and everyone watched as Carl was the one to shoot him in the head.

Yeager, we need to get back to the farmhouse, Tam said as she took out her samurai sword and her Garchomp.

You're right Tam, Yeager said as he told everyone to run back to the farmhouse.

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