Season 2 Episode 10: 18 Miles Out

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( The next morning, Kaz, CB-23, Tam, and Yeager went with Rick, Shane, and Randall.)

Yeager, what is Shane doing?

I don't know Kaz, and I'm looking at the worst case scenario.

What do you mean?

Shane is trying to get us killed.

That's it, when I have the opportunity, I'm going to have CB-23 shock him, Kaz said as he fought off the walkers who were coming out of the abandoned building.

I just want to punch him in the face, Yeager said as he killed a couple of walkers.

( As Yeager and Kaz were killing the walkers, Tam saw Randall trying to escape.)

Stay where you are, Tam said as she pointed her machete at him.

Hey, watch where you're pointing that machete.

( Yeager saw what was going on and punched him in the face.)

She said stay where you are, Yeager said as he pointed his samurai sword at him.

CB, do you want to help me with putting him in the car?

Beep Boop ( I would love to.)

Wait, what's your droid going to do?

Toss you in the car.

( As CB-23 picked him up and threw him into the car, Tam watched the whole thing.)

That was funny Kaz, nice work.

Thanks Tam, now let's get back to the farm.

Beep Boop ( You should've stayed where you are.)

Are you interrogating him CB?

Beep Boop ( Yeah, but he's not telling me anything.)

Don't worry CB, we'll interrogate him when we get back to the farm.

Kaz is right CB-23, I think it's the only option that we have.

Beep Boop ( Alright, let's get back to the farm and hope Andrea didn't do something stupid that gets herself killed.)

Yeah, I agree with you CB. Dale doesn't even trust her with a gun.

( After fighting of walkers, Yeager, Tam, Rick, Shane, CB-23, and Randall headed back to the farm to figure out what the next move is.)

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