Season 2 Episode 3: Save The Last One

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( At the old high school, Shane and the rest of the group had to run past a lot of walkers to get into the building.)

That's a lot of walkers.

Yeah, looks like no one survived.

Guys, split up, find supplies, and meet back at the truck.

Ok, Shane, Otis, and Bucket, your with me, and Poe, go with BB-8.

Alright, be careful.

We will, meet you guys back at the truck.

( After a while, Yeager got all of the supplies and met up with Otis and Shane.)

How much supplies do you guys have?

We have a lot of supplies, how about you?

I have a lot of supplies too.

Great work, let's meet up with Poe and BB-8.

Yeah, let's get out of here before the walkers get here.

Guys, it might be too late.

What do you mean?

The walkers are overrunning the high school, we need to get out of here now.

( As soon as they were getting close to the truck, Yeager saw what Shane did and decided to report it to Captain Doza when they returned to the farm.)

Poe, did you see what Shane did?

Yeah, and it's not good at all.

Let's just get these medical supplies back to Carl.

Agreed, let's go.

( Back at the farm, Kaz was starting to worry about Yeager.)

Kaz, are you ok?

Yeah, I'm fine Tam, I'm just worried about Yeager.

Don't worry Kaz, I'm sure they are on their way back.

( After a while, Yeager, Poe, BB-8, Bucket, and Shane returned with the medical supplies.)

Yeager, you're back, Kaz said as he hugged him.

Hey, how were you holding up here?

Ok, I guess.

What do you mean?

I was worried about you.


Yeah, sitting around waiting for you guys to get back was not working for me.

Kaz, you don't have to worry anymore, I'm back now and next time, I'll take you with me.

Ok, thanks Yeager.

You're welcome Kaz.

Hey guys.

Hey Tam.

Where's Otis?

Shane left him for dead.

What, why would he do that?

I don't know that's why I'm about to go talk to Captain Doza.

( So Yeager walked out on the porch and Captain Doza noticed that something was on his mind.)

Jarek, how was the supply run?

It was good, but there was a lot of walkers.


Yeah, and I saw Shane leave Otis for dead.

What, why would he do something like that?

I don't know, but I'm pretty sure that Dale knows about it.

( After getting back from the old high school, Yeager is glad that he got medical supplies to save Carl's life and he is sure that Rick and Lori are grateful for what he did.)

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