Season 2 Episode 5: Chupacabra

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( It was late in the morning, and Yeager was wondering where Daryl went.)

Captain Doza, do you know where Daryl went?

I don't know, maybe Rick knows.

Ok, is Shane still acting strange?

No, not at the moment.

That's good, we don't need anymore problems here because Hershel is letting us stay here while we look for Sophia and I hope we find her.

You're right Yeager, it's a dangerous world we live in and we need to survive and rebuild civilization.

( Meanwhile, Kaz, Tam, and Neeku went with Daryl to go look for Sophia.)

Tam, do you think she's somewhere in the woods?

I don't know Kaz, let's find her before someone or something gets her before we find her.

Yeah, let's keep looking.

Guys, we have a problem.

What is it Neeku?

The horse ran off.

Neeku, what do you mean?

It got spooked by a snake.

A snake, how did it survive the zombie apocalypse?

I don't know, but let's help Daryl.

Yeah, follow me guys.

We're right behind you Kaz.

( Back at the farm, Yeager is sharpening his samurai sword. And while he was sharpening his weapon, he saw Andrea holding a sniper rifle.)

Venisa, why does Andrea have a gun?

She wants to prove that she can kill walkers.

Ok, have you heard from Kaz?

No, I haven't heard from him in a while.

Let's hope we here from him soon because I'm starting worry about him.

Don't worry Yeager, Kaz can take care of himself.

You're right, let's go help Glenn with organizing the weapons.

( Back in the woods, Kaz, Neeku, and Tam helped Daryl and they started to make their way back to the farm.)

Kaz, how far is the farm?

Really far, let's get back before dark.

Agreed, let's go.

( Back at the farm, Yeager got a response from Kaz.)

Kaz, where are you?

We are heading back to the farm.

That's good, why didn't you respond before?

We had to help Daryl because his horse was spooked by a snake.

A snake?

I know it sounds weird, but they somehow survived the zombie apocalypse.



Ok, thanks for the update Kaz, get back safe.

I will Yeager, don't worry.

( After talking to Kaz, Yeager decided to update Captain Doza about Kaz's mission.)

Jarek, do you have an update on Kaz's mission?

Yeah, I do Captain Doza, they are on their way back to the farm.

That's good, we need them back as soon as possible.

Why, is something wrong?

Yeah, I don't think Dale can trust Andrea with a gun.



I don't even trust her with my samurai sword.


Because she might cut herself.

That makes sense, and she seems different.

Yeah, I have been noticing that she's been on watch way more often.

( It has been awhile since Kaz contacted Yeager, and CB-23 is starting to worry about him.)

CB, are you worried about Kaz?, Yeager said as he put his hand on her head.

Beep Boop Beep ( Yeah, I'm worried about him Yeager.), CB-23 said as she rolled up next to him.

Don't worry CB-23, Kaz will be back soon.

( So Yeager and the rest of the group anxiously await for Kaz, Neeku, Tam, and Daryl to return and hoping that nothing bad happens.)

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