I have been at this school for two weeks and I still have no idea what the hell is happening.
I just do what I'm told and frankly, I'm tired and pissed off.
If I hadn't moved from London to New York, my life would've been so much better.
If I didn't get in that stupid car accident, I wouldn't have lost my memory and I wouldn't look like an idiot right now.

But oh well, I have to do what I have to do.

I jogged the first lap in order to catch up with some of the people from my class.
The second lap, I was at the very back of the group as everyone ran faster. The first runner is Liz, then several other jocks, then the average runners, then the slow runners like myself, and then there's Justin who just walked carelessly.
By the time I started my third lap, I struggled to breathe. I tried to speed walk but the coach keeps yelling at me to keep running. Half way through the run, I started to cough uncontrollably and my chest hurt badly.

"Coach, I don't think I can run anymore." I said through coughs, putting my hands on my knees so I can catch my breath.

The coach gave me a look of disapproval. "Do you have asthma or something, kid?"

"I-I think so, sir."

"Your dad didn't put anything on your school records about any health issues." He narrowed his eyes. "I'm going to call him later and ask him about it. For now, you're off the hook, Avery. Just this once, because this is your first time running the mile here."

"Thank you." With that, I went straight to the water fountain and drank as much as I can until I feel my body calming down.

When I felt better, I decided to take a seat on the bleachers, joining the people who had already finished their mile. Liz already finished but she's talking to a girl so I didn't want to interrupt. I sat by myself and watched the other runners still in the field.

Just then, one of the football players who is also in my math class sat next to me, playing with his water bottle. "What's the matter newbie, you can't run a quick mile?" He glanced at me up and down before laughing. "I wouldn't be surprised though. You're only a scrawny little English nerd."

I clenched my jaw and glared at him. "Leave me alone, Sean."

Unfortunately, he wasn't one to take warnings seriously. He continued to pester me and comment about my appearance and where I'm from and that's when I couldn't take it anymore. All the anger that I've been holding inside just came out and it couldn't be more weirder.

Just when I was about to punch his obnoxious face, something came out from his mouth. It was a slug. It had came out as if he vomited it. He and I looked down at the slimy creature on the ground between us with our eyes widened. I backed away slowly, looking at him with disgust. "What the hell was that?!"

"I-- " His answer was cut off when another slug came out of his mouth, followed by another.

"Eww!" A girl screamed as she passed by us. "Ew what the fuck is that?! Coach!"

And just like that, a crowed circled around us while the obnoxious git continues to vomit slugs. "What is going on here?" The coach pushed through people and gaped at us with horror. "Sean, go to the nurse now!"

While everyone gushes about what is happening, I slipped away from the group and went to the boys locker room. I removed my shirt before opening my locker, then I sat down on the bench as I felt a headache coming.
That was disgusting and odd. What has that boy eaten that he's vomiting living slugs?
Oh well, this is New York and there's a lot of strange things around me. Dad said I'm going to be seeing a lot of weird things that I didn't see in London, so I guess this is just one of them. If only I actually remembered what I've seen in London.

Vicious Love [Teddy Lupin]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt