10. Margaret's Party

Start from the beginning

"Will you feed me? Because I'm starving and I don't want to go to the food table because there are girls there that would hit me the first chance they get." He pouted, giving me the puppy dog face.

He tries so many times but that never works on me. "Sure, Lupin."

He opened his mouth wide and I took a big peace of the ice cream cake from my plate and shoved it on his mouth. Since that was the last piece of my cake, I got up and threw away my empty plate, leaving him choking at the chair.

I somehow ended up walking through the middle of the common room where most people are dancing, so it got harder for me to walk. There are people hitting me and grinding on me as I walked passed them and it was too awkward to say the least. I was planning on finding Nina or Roxanne but I couldn't find either of them.

"Hey! You're Samantha Avery, right?" A boy, with a very good fashion sense I must say, caught my arm as I passed next to him. "I'm Dallas Rye. I'm in your Divination class."

"Nice to meet you." I replied with a sincere smile.

"I've always wanted to talk to you. Not in a flirty creepy kind of way but in a friendly kind of way..." He chuckled awkwardly. "I've seen you draw in classes and your drawings are really good. I've always liked art and yeah, I just wanted to tell you.."

"Thank you!" I beamed happily. This guy is a bit awkward but he is also adorable.

For a few minutes, I stayed with him and his friends since I clearly have nowhere else to go. Him and his friends are quite nice. Dallas is super awkward but as I said, he's adorable.

We were all asking basic information about each other when I felt an arm around me. "Is it hot in here or is it just me?" I saw Dallas blush and one of his friends, Dana, smile shyly. Then we have his other friend Peter glare at my direction. "It's just me, probably." Lupin winked at the trio. "Darling, why have you run away from me?"

"Stop talking like that." I grunted, hitting his chest with my elbow. Since his arm is around me, I felt his cold skin against my neck. "You're actually quite cold, Lupin." Literally, his skin is as cold as my drink. My hand reached his cheeks and forehead and they were all cold. "Are you ill?" I frowned, cupping his cheeks with my hands. "Merlin's sake Lupin you're freezing."

"Yeah. You've also turned pale." Dallas added, squinting his eyes through his glasses. "I think you are sick."

"No I'm not." Lupin scoffed, taking my hand away from his face and holding it tightly. "I just drank a cold drink, that's probably it. And you think I'm cold because you've been sharing heat with all these people and it's quite packed."

"That's not it. We should probably leave. I'm tired from the party. Dallas, Dana and Peter, I'll see you all around. We'll go now."

"See ya."

I dragged Lupin away from the crowd and tried to look for anyone of my friends. Nina and Margaret are dancing and I didn't want to interrupt them. Fred is nowhere to be found and Seth is with a group of 6th and 7th years who intimidate me so I'm not going to him. I couldn't find Roxanne either, so I guess we'll just leave without telling them.

"So you're taking me with you where?" Lupin questioned as I led him out of the Slytherin common room.

"Your room."

"Oh! Wow okay!" He laughed. "I mean, I think we should go on dates first before we go to each other's rooms and all but if that's what you prefer then I -- " With one wave of my wand, his voice completely goes away. I love the silencing charm. I should probably use it more often.

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