I had tuned out for most of the class time and the only thing that I caught is, "Essay due next class." I am doomed.


"5 points to Gryffindor!"

Lupin again.

This time, we are in Potions class and I am sitting next to him, at the very front of the class. This is possibly the worst position to be in. I'm in Potions class with Professor Slughorn sitting right next to Lupin.

"How are you so smart yet I have never seen you voluntarily pick up a book?" I frowned, glaring at his closed book. Everyone else is reading along as Slughorn introduces Varieties of Venom Antidotes and we would have to find the answers on the book when asked a question. Lupin doesn't have his book open yet he knows the answers.

"I do read books sometimes. On my free time -- when I'm not pranking or spending time with my friends or dating or sleeping or something." That is literally all he does on his free time. "I may or may not read before bedtime. It's this silly habit. I can't sleep sometimes so I pick up a book and read."

Well, that's something I don't do: read on my free time. I read fiction novels but not school related things. "That's cool, I guess."

"Don't get me wrong. The only reason why I like to read those books are so I can know more things for pranks. The more you know, the better your pranks are." Of course.

"Ms. Avery, I'd appreciate you not distract Mr. Lupin. He has a much better credit than you so I prefer you pay attention in class like he does." Slughorn stood in front of our table, catching me start a response to Lupin. "Detention tonight for not paying attention. My classroom."

As soon as he walked away, Lupin started to laugh at me, quite loudly but Slughorn never called him out. "I hate you so much, Lupin."


"I hate everything. I hate everyone."

"What's gotten your wand in a knot?" Roxanne questioned as I sat next to her in the Great Hall.

"It's been a long day, Rox. I have a massive headache." I sighed, resting my head on the wooden table.

Seth, Fred and Lupin followed me and with us. Seth is complaining about how awful his Arithmancy class was. Fred was laughing at him and Lupin had a smirk on his face.

"Why so glum, darling?" He whispered, leaning his face close to my head. If I lift my head up, I would hit his face but I'm afraid that'll hurt me more that it will hurt him because he has such a hard, big head. "Is it because Slughorn gave you detention, thanks to me?"

I ignored him and shut my eyes. I don't even want to think about it. I'm used to Slughorn giving me detentions but I still hate it. I don't know why, but ever since first year, he has been giving me a hard time in class. He would always call on me even though he knows I don't know anything about Potions, he would always call me out when I do something bad (even when I don't, he still does) and he would always talk about how 'bad of a student' my father was and how much I was like him.

"If it makes you feel any better," Lupin's cold hand touched my cheek and patted it lightly. "I, too, have detention with Slughorn."

My head shot up and narrowed my eyes at him. "That doesn't make me feel any better."

"Oh well. It'll be fun." He winked, jumping away from the Gryffindor table and got in the way of a Hufflepuff girl. "Hello love, have we met?" He is an idiot.

Instead of the girl blushing and giggling and falling for his charms, she gave him a good, loud slap on his cheek. "Yes we've met and we went out on a few dates last year! Piss off, Lupin!" She scoffed, stomping on his foot before proceeding to the Hufflepuff table to join her friends. She was wearing high heels too, which makes everything better.

Vicious Love [Teddy Lupin]Where stories live. Discover now