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Annalise POV

Its been two months since i woke up and jungkook has nothing but being supportive and kind. Though its a bit extreme sometimes since he gets way too overprotective but what can i say. I low key enjoy it, so um yeah.

Anyways today jungkook asked me to get ready because we were going somewhere but i didn't knew where. he just said to dress fancy.

Arlene was not answering to me for the previous two days and i was a bit tensed about it, but jungkook comforted me saying that most wolfs do that, for they too need some time alone. I hope whatever is bothering Arlene resolves, its weird without her. I got so used to her being in my head.

"but where are we going?" i said rolling in the bed sheets.

he just smiled looking at me as he continued to wear his shirt since he just got out of bath. coming towards me he pecked my pout as a deep blush settled on my cheeks. 

"that's for me to know and for you to find out. now get ready in five we are going out for breakfast." he said as he walked out of the room.

whining to myself i slowly made my way towards the bathroom to get ready. 

Time skip

"did you enjoy your lunch?" jungkook asked as we stepped out of the restaurant.

"Yes!! it was so fun. we should definitely bring the rest here next time." i jumped at the thought of all of us here together, god that must be so much fun. i heard a chuckle from beside me, turning i saw jungkook laughing at me.

"what?" i asked clueless.

"nothing, your just so cute." Jungkook said smiling.

"So where are we going now." I asked smiling alongside him.

"Theme park." He answered causing my eyes to lit up.

These two months were almost like a hell for me. I wasn't allowed to get out of my bed unless i had to go to the bathroom. And boy, let me tell you it was no fun. Jungkook wouldn't even let me use my mobile or let me watch t.v, he would say i need rest and i should get that. Like bro, what was i supposed to do, stare at the walls!?!

Time skip

"How about that one!!" I jumped pointing at a roller coaster. I saw as he hesitated a little.

"Come on nothing will happen to me." I said grabbing his wrist and dragging him there.

The ride was so fun, I couldn't stop shouting in excitement but i think i scared kookie since he was worried throughout the ride hearing my screams. The face he made was priceless though.

"Koo i want cotton candy!" I said pointing at the cotton candy stand. He just shook his head at my childish behavior and went towards the stand.

I waited near the benches because to be honest i was feeling a little bit dizzy. A dude approached me and soon sat down at the end of the bench. I ignored it, not thinking much of it.

Out of corner of my eyes i saw the person slowly inching closer to me. I again ignored and within a second he was right against me, our shoulders touching.

I turned to face him when i felt something poking my abdomen.

Looking down i saw a pocket knife. Now I wouldn't have panicked in normal situation but Arlene and jungkook weren't here. Taking in a deep breath i faced him as i prayed mentally for jungkook to return quickly.

"What do you want?"

"Just a bit of fun." He smirked. The bench was a bit back from all the crowd so it would be hard to say any saw us since everyone was busy doing their thing.

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