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Author POV

Annalise was still unconscious when Noah came knocking on the door asking about her. Of course they let him in knowing that she was most comfortable with him.

They stayed in living room for about an hour when they heard the front door open to reveal jungkook walking in. Not a minute after everyone heard shuffling and coughing sounds from the room. All of them ran to the room seeing Anna trying to sit up. Noah immediately ran to her helping her sit properly. He brought the glass of water close to her mouth. She took a small sip and gulled closing her eyes. Seeing her in pain everyone's eyes soften.

After some silence, Jen spoke,

"How are you feeling Anna?"
Only to receive a blank stare in return .
The rest tried asking too. Jungkook being the most desperate one out of all. But none got any answer. Shortly after Anna spoke,
"Who found me?"

Confused jungkook spoke,
" I saved you from that bloody bastard."

"Are you sure you saved me?" She asked surprising yet everyone again.

"What are you talking about Ann-"

" I want to go home. Can you take me home." Anna spoke interrupting Jennie as she looked at Noah.

"Sure." He answered as he picked her bridal style, leaving without sparing a glance at rest.

"Maybe shes just shaken." Chloe suggested.

"She'll be fine by tomorrow guys." Jimin continued.
But jungkook still seemed unsure.

Annalise POV

Reaching home he gently placed me on the bed. He got up to leave but i held his wrist with my left hand stopped him.

I didn't dare to look up as i spoke,

"Are....are you my brother? No are we related?" I asked.

Noah turned and sat down next to me on bed as he spoke,
"I was going to tell you but then Adam happened."

"How long? How long have you known." I asked.

" Remember when i came to your home and asked about your parents picture. That day i saw dad's picture. I wanted to make sure so i went to my home town and talked to dad. He told me that yes i had a sister, step sister. He told me how he had to leave you not because he didnt love you but because he feared the day would come when his mistakes would put you in trouble. He said after my moms death he wanted to come back but was ashamed to face you and your mom."

I nodded slowly.

"Will you accept me as your brother?" He asked unsure.

I took a while before i spoke, " i always wanted a brother." He let out a sigh of relief as i smiled.

"But how come you are accepting me. Don't you hate me? Im the reason your mom died." I asked scared of his answer.

"No." He shook his head. " She didnt died because of you, you did nothing wrong. Your also the victim just like me."

"How about you bring dad here." I suggested.

"He won't come. He's afraid you'll reject him."

"How about i introduce you to mom!!" I exclaimed clapping my hands, excitedly.

He seemed hesitant, "will she accept me?" He asked.

"Why wouldn't i? Like you said you both are victim in this. Besides i hope you accept me in place of your mom." I turned to see my mom standing in the door way looking at us softly.

"Mom!!" I shouted. She gently smiled and turned towards Noah as he immediately stood up slightly bowing to her.

"You have grown to be a handsome man. I remember the first time i saw you, you were just 2." She smiled.

"Hi aunty." Noah spoke nervously.

"Call me mom i would really appreciate that. I would love it if you could give me a chance to be the mom you wished you had throughout your childhood." She said.

"Thanks m-mom." Noah said slightly looking up.

Mom hugged him as she said, "thank you for accepting me." She said.

Noah hugged back as he spoke, "no thank you mom for accepting me."

"Hate to ruin this perfect moment but im hungry." I said as we all bursted out in laughter.

Im glad everything turned out well.

I got a brother!!!

Shot chapter. So finally its revealed who noah is!! Do you think he's a good brother?

Edit: so my friend hit me up saying she didn't understand the last part, so ill brief it here. Sorry for the shitty explanation though, it was a fault on my part.

So summary

Anna's parents where high school sweet hearts. They were the ideal couple going through thick and thin together and always clearing misunderstandings without big fights.

When they reached collage Anna's dad and Adams dad became friends. Adams dad introduced his girlfriend to Anna's dad. Anna's dad realized that she was his mate.

They both took off to another city without explaining to anyone. Anna's mom and Adams dead were heart broken but couldn't do anything. Adams dad started sleeping around and knocked up a girl thus Adam was born.

Adam wanted his fathers approval and love since he was neglected since birth, so he tried everything he could to prove to his dad he's worth something.

So once Adams dad saw Anna's dad and got reminded of the pain. So he sought revenge. Noah was barely a child of 2 years then. He got his revenge when he killed Noah's mom (Anna's dad mate) (Anna's dad is a werewolf). So since Anna's dad mate funeral was held in this town cuz her family was here Anna's dad met her mom. He did a drunk one night stand thingy with her and got her pregnant. Of course she told him but he knew Adam's dad was going to have an eye for Anna's mom now so he left them. Anna's dad gathered evidence and told the werewolf council of what Adams dad did and as a punishment he was killed.

Adam saw everything and he knew how dedicated his dad was so he decided to carry on his work even though hid dad died. He got so engrossed in proving himself that he got onto wrong path of life.

So he wanted to kill Noah and wanted him to suffer being alone 24/7 thats why he didn't let anyone near him. He wanted to make him feel how he felt, neglected, in his childhood.

So Noah is Anna's step brother 🎉

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