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Annalise POV

weird, why did i feel goosebumps when he stared at me. Throughout the whole lesson i could feel someones stare on me but i decided to ignore it. i had already enough on my mind.

"so class passive smokers are also effected even though they don't directly smoke. now i want you all to write down how smoking is socially acceptabl-" the bell interrupted the teacher. all the students quickly started to pack up and leave, that includes me too.

i turned to tell jen that ill head to my next class but when i turned i saw her talking to those new boys. i decided to give her space and headed alone to my next class.

walking through the busy hallway i kept my eyes locked on to the mobile in my hand as i continued to play subway surfers. suddenly i collided with something hard causing me to lose my balance and almost fall but whoever i collided with was quick enough to catch me in him arms. i looked up to apologies to whoever i collided with only to be met with deep dark orbs that kept staring at me with a smirk across his face.

" sorr-" 

"its OK beautiful."

"OK....Adam can you maybe let go of me now." i hesitantly spoke causing Adam to chuckle.

"glad you still remember my name beautiful now mind telling me yours?" Adam spoke as he let go of me. 

regaining my composure i replied, "Annalise." 

He smiled as he spoke again, "beautiful name for a beautiful girl. now tell me you are a human right? arent you afraid of studying with the werewolves?"

"ahhh no. Besides many of students here are humans too so..i ah kinda got used to living like this." i answered unsure.

"you know for a human you are quiet brave. now i have to get going. i hope to see you around Annalise." he spoke with smirk plastered across his face. i dont know why but it caused a shiver to run down my spin. Again weird.

brushing it off i started my journey back to class. 

Lunch Time

cafteria was one of the most crowded break during lunch hence the reason why i hated going there but sadly jen asked me to eat lunch in cafetaria today saying she has to introduce me to some of her friends, god knows what this girl wants.

making my way to canteen im met by ophilia on my way. she is one of my classmates and a very decent person not to mention a human like me. Apparently she was on her way to canteen too so we both decided to go together. on our way she told me how she met her mate a few days back in summer and he was 5 years older than her. she sounded so happy. im glad she found someone nice, just like her.

"Anna did you all the students that transfered today are werewolves." Ophilia questioned. i shook my head as a sign of no.

"Apparently one of them is a player. i think his name is Adam. the rumors say that he sets target on a girl, take her out for a week and then kill her for fun."

Another thing about this school is the amount of rumors, i mean the poor guy just got here and damn the rumors already started. i bet half of them are just a bunch of lies and he is a decent person. maybe.

"oh come on, i bet its nothing like that. how did they even come up with that nonsense." i asked as i held my tray of food that basically consisted of some fries and a pizza slice.

"i dont know but from what i heard all his previous girlfriends died. a very gruesome death might i add. " " or who knows maybe those are also bunch of rumors." i continued.

"maybe." ophilia shrugged.

"ANNA HERE!!!" i heard someone shout. i  turned around only to be met by jen's hand waving in the air. i bid ophilia bye as i started making my way towards the the table where jen was waving her hand furiously. seriously for a human she sure has a lot of energy. 

"Finally Anna i want you to meet my friends, bts." Jen spoke. i turned y head to be met by the transfer students. giving off a confused face jen did the courtsey of further explaining that they were her childhood friends but they had to leave and now they are back. their group is called bts. 

"Hi my names Annalise, but you can call me Anna." i bowed as i introduced myself. 

they were kind enough to greet me back.

" we hope we can be great friends Anna." Jhope spoke as the rest nodded their heads in agreement.

Soul mates (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora