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BTS POV / Jungkook POV

Many bodies laid chained to the floor of the shady, uneven basement floor. Drops of water fell from top as if it was a cave somewhere under a mountain.
Chains drilled into the ground made it harder to even try and get them out. It would be futile attempt without a doubt.

Groaning Jungkook felt uncomfortable to laying on the cold hard pavement, dripping wet of something gooey.  Grabbing his head he tried to sit up only to be pulled down. Looking down, he saw his wrists and ankles chained. Applying all the force he could muster he tried to get out only to fail. Thinking more cautiously he tried to see where exactly was he. Surprising there was enough light down here to see.

Behind laid many unconscious bodies, without a doubt those were members of moonlight pack. Looking sideways he saw his hyungs and Noah in the same state as his. Out of the corner of his eyes he saw June giving her person a injection. But she skipped them. She skipped black crescent. Why?

She placed a finger on her lips as she pointed at the rest of his hyungs. Confused he turned to look all of them now fully awake.

"Great job June." A not so foreign voice echoed throughout the basement.

The said person only looked down.

"You vile person h-"

"Uh ah uhhh." Adam waved his fingers as a no sign as he interrupted Noah's words.

Taking a seat on the chair placed a bit far from them he looked at every single person as a smirk started forming on his lips.

Anger rushed through everyone as they saw him sitting peaceful there but none dared to utter a word. Some still trying to grasp what was happening.

"June i cant express how proud you made me. Now as promised your brother has been returned back to your parents." Adam spoke now looking at June. He was about to burst from happiness as he saw Jhope's face turn to a sorrowful one.

"How could you?" Jhope's voice broke at the end.

June looked down ashamed.

"I'm sorry." Adam laughed seeing them like this.

"Pathetic." Adam said as his laughter resounded in the basement.

Everyone connected the dots. It didn't need a genius to know what happened. June chose her brother. She did all of this because of her brother. They understood, jhope understood but he was still disappointed that his mate didn't trust him enough to tell him.

"Oh thats not even the half of it." Adam spoke gaining everyone's attention.

"You should've seen what she did to Daphne when she tried to help her dear mate, Tae." V's breath hitched. He had marked Daphne so he knew she was injured but to what extent? Now he was scared.

"What did she d-"

"Oh she made sure your mate doesn't live to see another day. I remember how daphne blood dripped from every part of the body as she tried to fight all the rouges by herself. I remember how she barely kept her eyes open, wounded. I pitied her so i let her go. But where ?" Adam teased.

V though couldn't breath properly now as he imagined what his mate has to go through while he was unconscious. Tears started gathering in his eyes as he didn't felt the bond between them. V struggled to get out but failed.

Adam laughed louder seeing this.

"But what about other's arent you curious what happened to Audrey, crystal, Jennie, chloe and of course our dear sweet Anna." Adam dragged each name, and got what he wanted. A reaction from everyone as their mates name was spoken. But at the mention of Anna, two chains rustled. Adam eyed the both as he saw their pathetic attempts to get him.

"Chloe and jennie, hmm i wonder what happened to them." Suga cursed as he tried to get up only to be pulled back down.

Noah barely managed his anger as he tried to think of a solution.

"Ahhhh i remember now. I left them to drown in the river, all tied up."

"Now to my favorites, Audrey, crystal and Anna. What happened to them June, you see im getting old i cant remember. Help me out here will ya." Adam had a sickly sweet smile on his face like a psychopath.

"I burned them. I locked them in the cabin and made sure the cabin burned to last bit of ashes before departing from there."

"NO!" Four voices shouted. Jungkook and Noah by now had lost it, they tried struggling against the chains. Chains digged deep into their wrists but they didn't stop, they kept going.

"Now this is fun. You know i wouldn't have done anything to you all but you'all got yourself in this. You should've stayed away from Noah and Anna. Now look at you all, pathetic, struggling against mere metal chains."

If they were metal chains why cant they be broken by now?

"Coated in wolfsbane. Whoops forgot that part. Psst a little secret your wolves can't help you. June gave you all enough silver to knock your wolves out." Adam motioned as he was telling a very deep secret.

"YOU COWARD!!! LET ME GO AND SEE WHAT ILL DO TO YOU!! HOW DARE YOU!!" Noah shouted. He tried but couldn't keep in his anger.

Jungkook, on the other side was in denial. He refused to believe that you were dead. It all seemed like a nightmare to him. He looked lost, broken. He was devastated. Though he wasn't alone, everyone was feeling that way. Their mates, their soulmates, their better halves were gone. All gone. And so were their wolves. Well not completely but they were dieing with the amount of silver in their system.

June felt bad, no that was so small to explain how she felt. She was the reason they were in this condition. How could she ever forgive herself for this. She not only caused misery to her mate but also to seven others. Tears flowed down her cheeks and she made no effort to hide them.

They all were too busy dealing with their emotions that they barely noticed a shadow, two to be more precise, at the two corners of the basement.

Suddenly two bodies fell to ground. Everyone looked up to see two rouges, the ones guarding the door, dead on the floor. Two hooded figures loomed over them.

"That's like a billionth time about now that you said pathetic. Im starting to think you have a terrible vocabulary." Jimins eyes sparkled hearing that voice.

Removing the hood, crystal stood there with one hand on her hips. The second person yet to drop the hood from it's head.

"How about i teach you some words for next time. You wanna join, our teaching lessons?" Crystal said turning towards the hooded person as the person smirked and looked up directly at Adam shocking him,

"Why not." Jungkook couldn't believe his eyes. Noah sat back down seeing his sister is fine.

"This is going to be fun." The hood fell off of Anna's face.

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