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Annalise POV

Waking up i got out of the comfy blanket and made my way towards the bathroom. Looking at myself in the mirror i wasnt surprised to see a girl with red puffy eyes and dark bags under her eyes staring back at me.
Dismissing my disheveled self i continued to brush my teeth before i headed off to shower.
After what seemed like an hour i lazily got ready and started heading down stairs only to see a warm breakfast seating on the table along with a sticky note.
Detaching the note from the table i brought it close to myself before reading the content written on it.

'I'm sorry honey im in a hurry so i couldn't stay back for breakfast. But i made your favorite waffles make sure to wat all of it.
Love Mom. 💜'

Well mom still cared. Shrugging i went to have the waffles although i didn't have any appetite.
Hardly making it through the breakfast i stood up to head out when suddenly i heard the door bell ring.

Making my towards the door i opened it only to see Adam on the doorsteps.

"Yes?" I asked unsure of what he wanted.

"I asked you to stay away from Noah didn't I?" He said slowly.

" And i did. Did you see me hanging out with him?" I questioned.

" Good make sure it stays that way or your friends will be in trouble." He said before he ran off to god knows where.

What the hell is wrong with this dude. Too tired to even think much of it i brushed it off and started heading towards the school. Honestly speaking i was in no mood to go, but i had a very important test today so i had to. I cant let what happened affect my education now can i?

Walking through the school hallways I could see the same routine of gossips here and there. A gentle tap on my shoulder brought me out of my daze. I turned to see none other than chloe standing there.

"What do you want?" I asked not caring if that sounded a bit rude.

Ignoring my remark she cheerfully said, "Hi Anna! How are you doing today?"

A scowl made its way to my face before a muttered out a fine. Not convinced by answer she still continued,
"If your feeling a bit down how about we hang out today. The boys are coming too." She exclaimed excitedly.

"Not today chloe im not in the mood." I said dismissing her. But she kept on insisting.
"Not now chloe." I slightly shouted but thank god not loud enough for the whole hall to hear but still enough for some passing by students to stop and watch what was happening.
Rubbing my forehead i turned to apologise only to see the boys standing behind chloe shocked at my outburst. Not caring much i started my apology only to be interrupted by Adam,
"There you are my sweetheart. I've been looking everywhere for you." He grabbed me by my arm and dragged me to the back of the school building, too lazy to fight i quietly went along with him. Shaking my arm out of his grip i turned to yell what the hell he wanted only to see crystal and 2 of her friends standing there.

"Crystal hi?" I said. Crystal and i were never much of friends we only shared a hello and hi often, not more than that. She was like a mean girl of the school but she never said anything to me. Quiet frankly speaking she was very nice to me.

"Stay away from my mate." And yes she was a werewolf. A 17 year old wolf. But how did she know who was her mate from what jungkook told me you had to be atleast 18 to know.

"What are you talking about crystal?" I asked.

"Don't act clueless, this is my first and last warning to you know that. And if you don't oblige ill be forced to make your friends against you." She said calmly as she started making her way back towards the school.

What the hell did just happen?

Time skip

I dont know why but Adam kept looking at me today and that was quiet unsettling. Ignoring his looks i sat on our usual lunch table quietly eating my pasta when soon the rest of the boys and girls started joining me.
Chloe was a little behind though i kept focus on the food though not bothering to look up at them. When suddenly chloe slipped and fell. Her lunch splattered all across the floor. The boys quickly got up to help her.
Worried i got up to only to be slightly pushed back by jhope.

"I think you have done enough for today Annalise." He spoke making me confused.
I looked at the rest of the boys, they too were giving me the disappointed look. I tried to speak up only to be interrupted again but this time by chloe,
"Do you hate me that much?" She asked with tears in my eyes. Shaking my head i turned to see all the hall talking whispering to each other.

"I-I didn't d-"

"cut the crap Anna i saw you pouring the juice on the floor in front of me." Suga interrupted.

They all looked at me like i did that but I didn't. I swear i didn't. Turning i ran off to the bathroom not believing what just happened. Crying in the stalls i remember the look kook gave me. He looked so disappointed.

"Did you heard what happened?" A girl voice echoed.

"Yeah i can't believe Anna did that!." Another girl said.

"Me too! She is such a nice girl. I dont think she did that." The first one spoke.

"But crystal said she clearly saw her pour the juice on the floor." The second said.

I didnt do it. I didn't do it!!!! Please believe me. Please. I sobbed harder and harder. After the bell rang i was so numb that i couldnt even get up. Slowly exiting the stall i washed my face and headed out. Suddenly someone harshly pushed me into the lockers.
Wincing i looked up to see Adam staring at me with a smirk.
"You look hot today." He said as he started getting closer to me.
Pushing him away hardly i slapped him across the face before i stromed off to my next class.
What the hell is up with everyone today. My shoulder was hurting though. I have to see whats up with that later.

Walking in the empty hallway i saw crystal and her 2 friends leaning on the lockers.

"Didn't i told you stay away from him." She spoke clamly as she closed her eyes.

"Why did you do it?" I asked.

She only laughed. "You bitch, stop trying to seduce my mate!!!" She said as she stepped forward.
Suddenly both of her friends grabbed both my arms and pushed me down on the floor. She raised her hand and i quickly closed my eyes mentally preparing myself for the impact only to have none.
Peeking through my slightly open eyes i saw a tall figure holding her hand stopping her from hitting me. Turning my head i gasped as i realized who it was.

Who do you think it is? Anyways im a little lazy ao sorry if this story comes of a little bad written. Anyways i hope you all are doing fine. Drinks loads of water and stay hydrated. Fighting 🙌

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