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Annalise POV

I woke to hear the voice of birds chirping and trees hustling. My rooms window was close to an oak tree. Its branch almost reached my room. Rubbing my eyes i turned to see jungkook asleep with mouth slightly parted. Cute. His arms wrapped around my waist made it difficult to get out of bed. Slowly detaching myself from him i made my way towards the bathroom to get ready. It was somewhat end of winter now but still cold nevertheless.
Since i was anemic i felt more cold.

(This is her outfit)

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(This is her outfit)

Getting out of the bathroom i saw jungkook still asleep. Slowly approaching him i sat at the corner of bed and placed my hand on his shoulder slightly shaking him.

"Wake up kookie." I said only to receive a alight whine from him.

"Cute." I muttered. I brushed his hair out of his face as i pecked his forehead. I turned to get up only to feel my arm being held. Spinning around i see jungkook still half asleep, holding my arm. His hand slowly went low to grab my wrist as he suddenly pulled me towards him. I crashed into his chest. Still half standing and half leaning into him i tried to straighten myself only for him to fall back taking me along with him.

"What are you doing kookie?" I asked.

"Being with my mate." He mumbled.

"Get up. Its already late."

"Five more minutes."

"Bu-"      "please." I gave in as i gave out a low ok.

Time skip

Walking into the kitchen i let out a shierk as i was shocked to see to two figures lip-locked and pinned against the wall.
The both separated and i was further shocked to see them to be none other than namjoon oppa and a girl.

"Wh....what i-s-"

"I can explain!" They both said at the same time.

"What?" I asked.

"Look i don't know i was just walking when this dude pinned me against the  wall. I don't even know him." The girl said raising her hands.

"What!!! Me? Don't forget you started the kiss!" Namjoon oppa said turning towards her.

"Well you kissed back!!" The girl defended.

"Yeah we-"

"Stop!" I said interrupting the both of them.

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