Find her

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Annalise/ Arlene POV

I held the kid beneath me as the ceiling collapsed. It was a hard blow on my back as i hovered above the girl. I was too busy making sure the girl was ok that i didn't bother looking at Adam to see where or how he was. But I don't think he could've got out in his condition. Crystal and i had beaten him enough, he couldn't possibly heal that quickly. Even his arm trembled while holding the switch. He was completely healed.

Trying to distract myself from the pain i looked down at the girl, below me. She had tears in her eyes. My arms were hurting so was my back.

"Hey there! What's your name?" I tried to sound cheerful.

I think it worked because the girl didn't cried and answered me.

"Avery" she said shyly.

"That's a beautiful name, just like you." The girl giggled as she asked my name.

"Arlene." I said smiling ignoring the pain.

"Hey we both have the same letter of our names." She giggled.

"I guess we do. Now tell me Avery do you know and poem or song that you like?" I asked.

"Yes! There is this song that mom sings for me everytime i can't sleep. Euphoria." I nodded thanking god i knew its lyrics. (I mean who wouldn't 😏😏)

Slowly i started singing the song. I knew i couldn't hand in any longer. There was a very sharp pain in my left lower abdomen when i tried to move just a little. I guess something pierced there. My breathing was becoming hard. There was a big boulder on my right shoulder while a very heavy weight on my right shoulder. My legs were crushed between boulders and planks. A plank even pierced my left upper arm. I don't even know where else i was hurt, but i knew the pain was immense and was slowly increasing.

"I'm sorry Arlene." Anna said sadly as she took over. Arlene was no longer responding.

Tears welled up in my eyes as i tried to continue singing. Arlene was not answering. My breath eventually gave out and i started panting. I looked down to see the Avery fast asleep. Smiling i closed my eyes as my arms started trembling furiously and my body eventually became limp and fell. Not longer after everything turned black.

BTS POV / Author POV

Making their way back everyone still had Anna on their mind.

Reaching there the already present members tended to the wounded.
Time skip

After a while when everyone had gained their consciousness and were now in stable state they gathered in the yard to see crystal still there. Confused as to why she's here and not  gone to help Anna.

"Crystal wh-" Audrey asked only to be stopped midway when she a teary eyed crystal. Everyone became worried, Noah more anxious.

"I....i ca-cant feel her mi-mind-link." She cried.

Everyone's breath hitched.

"No! I don't care. I'm going there for her." Noah shouted.

"Me too! Let's go Noah." Jungkook joined.

The both didnt even waited for others response and ran in the direction of the south of lake. The rest followed.

Time skip

Everyone reached the destroyed cabin. Their breath hitches seeing all the damage. Taking a deep breath in all of them spread out to dig in, dividing themselves in teams of two. A few pack members also volunteered to help. Everyone was anxious, jungkook most. He couldn't bare to lose his mate. His heart hammered across his chest as he digged deepper and deepper in search of his mate.

It had be an hour and no one had managed to find her that was until a loud scream brought everyone out of their focus and ran in the direction from where the scream came.

Reaching there they saw a blond girl kneeling on the ground with a hand clasped onto her mouth, tears falling down.

"What's wrong?" Namjoon asked his pack member.

She didn't said anything just pointed and the depression infront of her.

Stepping forward to look everyone was shocked to see the sight infront of them. There laid Anna, her back facing up, woods peireced into her body in all directions and a heavy boulder on her left shoulder. Her legs buried into the many wood pieces.

Jungkook rushed forward as he removed the big boulder of her shoulder. The rest followed soon, freeing her legs. When everything was removed from top of her they gently lifted it up not sure how to get her back with wood across her abdomen. Breaking the end of the  wood to make it short, jungkook lifted her.

Everyone was yet again shocked when they saw a young girl, barely five sleeping there peacefully. Tears welled up in jungkooks eyes. His mate gave her life for a child. The state she was in caused tears to fell. No one dared to stop him for they shared the same thoughts. The blond girl from before came and picked up the child. Jin offered to carry her as the both of them slowly started walking back to the woods. The rest followed. They had to be careful for the wood can dig deep in, and hurt her possibly more than she already was.

Time skip

"I'm surprised she's alive. I mean the amount of injuries she has im sure no one else could have survived. Her right shoulder dislocated while her left arm is broken. Her legs are not responding to any touch or anything so i think they are paralyzed. We can only be sure of it when she wakes up. As for her abdomen, i tended to it. The woods out without hurting any vital organ. Aside from that she lost a lot of blood. What im trying to say is she's not responding how i wanted. Her wolf isn't healing her. She's on her own. " The doctor informed.

"When will she wake up?" anna's mom asked. The doctor only shook his head.

"You don't understand, her wolf is not responding. It means its like a human who hot all of these injuries. It will take forever for the wounds to heal. She might never wake up. She's in a coma." The doctor said sadly. He excused himself as he stepped out of the room.

Everyone looked at the black haired boy who had tears in his eyes as he held Anna's hand.

"Can't you heal her kook. She's your mate." Crystal asked.

He shook his head. "She has someone else mark."

The old women who had watched everything silently finally spoke breaking the eternal silence that fell in the room after the youngest words.

"Says who." Nana spoke getting up. Everyone looked at her.

"The mark on her neck. It isn't mine." Jungkook said confused.

"You truly are clueless aren't you. Do you honestly think she would let anyone but you mark her." Nana spoke now standing near her bed.

"What's your wolfs name?" Nana asked.


"Ask him to show you what happened when you went to her home drunk." Nana removed the barely ok necklace.

A different smell hit everyone in the room as the smelled a bit of jungkook on her.

"You marked her. Against her will. But nonetheless you did. She belongs to you now." The old women said turnings around. She motioned everyone to follow.

"You can help her get better. The most you can do is heal her wounds. Its upto her when she wakes though."

Everyone looked at jungkook once more before they followed nana, out of the room.

Jungkook looked at the unconscious girl infront of him and couldn't help but smile sadly.

"Why did i ever doubted you? Im sorry." He said as kissed the mark on Anna's neck. He could see her shiver. She responded. He was glad. Glad that he could finally do something for her, for once in his life, he would be helping her.

Soul mates (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora