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Annalise POV

The guys seemed nice. They were very friendly to me throughout all the lunch period. I, frankly speaking, enjoyed my time with them.

From what Jennie told me they are her childhood friends. But i never met them nor do i remember seeing any of them before, strange. I know for a fact that jen and i have been together since diapers then why hadn't i met them.
Shaking my head I decided to ignore all these weird thoughts as i turned my focus back to my homework.

Throughout the lunch though jungkook barely talked to me and when i tried to start a conversation with him his replies were short and quiet as if hinting that he doesn't want this conversation to continue. And i dropped the convo not wanting to embarrass myself. When i asked jen she dismissed it saying 'he's shy with new people.' I guess he just needs some time right?

Stretching on my chair i felt a cold breeze run through my now exposed tummy, well i was wearing a crop top so. Turning around i saw my window open. Weird i remember closing it.

Getting up i slowly walked towards the open window to close it only to stop when i saw what looked like a silhouette. I froze on my spot as the silhouette turned his head and made eye contact with me. We both stood there staring at each other, after what seemed like forever the person smirked and waved at me.
Creeped out i immediately shut the window and locked it making sure it doesnt open again. Jogging downstairs to tell my mom about what i saw i halted when i saw her tried frame sleeping on the couch.
Gently placing a pillow under her head so she doesnt strain her neck i moved to her room to grab a blanket. After placing the blanket on i went to turn off the lights and made sure all the doors and windows were locked before i head off to sleep.

Morning (in school)

I dont know why but i didn't tell mom what happened yesterday maybe because i saw how tired she was and i didnt want to add onto her stress. Too engrossed in my own thoughts i didnt see where i was headed. Suddenly i felt i strong grip on my arm, turning me around only for me to come in contact with a rock hard surface.
Inhaling i recognized that smell, dont ask why though i just did. Looking up i saw those same dark orbs staring at me.
"Uhhhh...." I started only to be cut of by the person in front of me.

"You should be careful while walking. If i hadn't stopped you, you would've collided with the lockers." Jungkook spoke.
Turning my head i saw that indeed i was just 2 steps away from meeting the cold hard lockers. Embarrassed i looked down as a blush appeared on my pale cheeks. A deep chuckle caused me to look up to see it was coming from none other than jungkook.
"Your cute when you blush." He spoke with a sift smile on his face causing my blush to deepen. I lifted my hands in order to cover my burning face only for my hands to stopped midair by jungkook.
Holding my hands in his i felt heat radiate on my hands as my heart beat increased. Only now did i realise the close proximity between us resulting numerous butterflies to erupt in my stomach.

"Oh come on i tell you that you look cute with that blush and you try to hide it. That's mean." He pouted.

OH MY GOD!!! He looked so cute. Mustering up all the left over courage i manage to voice my thoughts.

"J-jungkook can..can you maybe let go of me n-now." I gulped as i barely uttered the words. Seriously what is wrong with me.

It was like he was awaken he immediately let go of me. I straightened myself as i fixed up my dress. Satisfied i look up to see a preplexed look on jungkooks face.
Taking a step i reach my hand infront of jungkooks eyes waving my hand.

"H-Hello are you o-ok?" I tilt my head to side as i question him.
Shaking his head he immediately walks off ignoring my calls.

Time skip

Why was jungkook behaving like that? Was he ok? Did i do something wrong? Why did he left like that? All these questions remained unanswered as i kept thinking about them not paying any mind to the on going lesson. The bell rung causing me tk spring up from my seat and rush towards the door only to stopped by a tall figure.

"Can I help you?" I asked as i looked up at him.

"I guess you weren't paying attention in class we both are partnered up in a project that we need to submit next week. I would like to get it done quickly so tell me should i come to your place or are you ok with mine." The boy quickly spoke in a calm manner. I only nodded my head. I dont even know this dude how am i suppose to go to his place. A little hesitant i replied,

"Mines fine i guess. I can text you my address just add your number here." I handed him my phone.
He quickly typed something and left without a even goodbye, again weird.

Looking down i read the contact saved as 'Noah James'.

Walking through the busy hallways i tried to make it to the bathroom. On my way i saw jungkook leaning on a way laughing with a blond. If im not wrong thats chloe, the transfered student.

Dismissing them for now i rushed to the bathroom.

"Did you know all the transfer students are wolfs." I soft voice spoke almost a whisper.

"Yeah and that adam guy is damn rude. I mean i get a weird vibe from him."

"I know right. I thought i was the only one."

The two girls kept talking as i flushed the toilet and went out to wash my hands.

Grabbing my bag i left the rest room only to be pulled in a classroom.
Looking up i was met by a smirk that sent shivers down my spine.

Who do you think it is??

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