it hurts

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Annalise POV

The boys were training while all the girls sat beside me watching them. It was a peaceful day to say the least. Im glad everything turned out great between me and jennie. Low key I was glad she didn't ask me about being a werewolf.

In all honesty i didn't know anything about werewolf's, my mom never told me. I believe their is a reason behind her actions, guess i have to ask her when we return.

Inhaling the sweet scent of lilies as the wind howled bringing the smell to where i was sitting i closed my eyes reminiscing the jolly days i spent with my mom. Suddenly i felt a sharp pain in my chest causing my breath to hitch. Then another in my arm followed by one in my lower abdomen. What's happening?

"I have to go to the washroom. Ill be back shortly." I informed the rest as i quickly got up and ran to the washroom.

'go into the woods.'  i heard someone say. Turning me head sideways i saw no one. Weird.

"Ahh" i whined holding my stomach. Guess it is the woods now. I don't know why but i decided to listen to that voice. God please don't make me regret this.

Leaning against a tree i tried to catch my breath as all of by body started burning with pain. Biting in my pain i closed my eyes as my breath got heavy.

'dont worry i got you.' The voice said again.

"W-w-w-ho a-are yo-u." I manged to say through the pain.

'im your wolf. I haven't shifted for some time now. let me shift and this pain will be over.'

"I dont know how." I slightly shouted as the pain increased.

'try to relax. Take deep breaths and close your eyes. Imagine a wolf.'

Following the instructions of the voice i did as i was told. But when i opened my eyes i had paws instead of feet.
Why is this happening now. It didn't happened last time.

"That's because I hadn't called out to you then."


"Hi im Arlene, your wolf. It was about time we officially met." The voice now known as Arlene said.

"Why now?" I asked to myself. That sounded weird talking to myself.

"I don't. Maybe i felt more comfortable now." Arlene said.

"What is happening?" I asked mostly to myself but looks like Arlene heard as she increased her speed. Wait, when did we start running?

She let out a wolfy chuckle as she spoke,

"Would you want to hear it from me or your mom? "


"I thought so too, So wait a little longer." She said.

I don't know how but we kept running non-stop for more than an hour. Is this normal?

"We should head back now." I said worried.

She nodded as she said,

"I mind linked your brother so don't worry. It will be painful but know this your strong you can do this." Arlene said confusing me. Shifting back i wore the clothes left in basket and ran to kitchen to get some water.

I suddenly started feeling dizzy, stumbling i barely managed to het some water but the glass fell from my hand as pain shot out again. Now what? My body felt hot all of sudden. I wanted to get rid of all these clothes. I felt like i was forced to sit under the sun in scorching hot summer. Placing my head in my hands i rubbed my eyes in attempt to gain back my proper sight. Everything was blurry.

I somehow managed to link Noah, i dont know how but i did, thats when i realized Arlene opened it, to help me. Oh god thank you.

"Anna?" Noah's confused voice rang in my head.

"Noah.." i groaned.

"Anna!! Are you ok?? Where are you?" He shouted making me flinch, nonetheless i still manged to answer him before the pain increased so much that i swayed a little causing my hand to slip and slide across the broken glass.


I looked down to see a blurry image of  blood rushing out of the cut. Was it that big?

Author POV

The boys were practicing when suddenly Noah stopped doing everything and stood still in the ground. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at him confused. Slowly everyone got up and gathered around him to ask him only to see his eyes fogged.

His breathing suddenly increased as he he seemed tensed. And in no second he dashed towards the cabin shouting "Anna!!"

Jungkooks breath hitched. Tensed on what might have happened to her he matched Noah's pace.

Everyone followed Noah into the kitchen. They stopped when the saw Anna on the floor with glass shardes  and blood spread everywhere.

"Anna!!" Noah rushed to grab her as her head swayed. Pulling her up he felt how hot her body was. There was only one answer to that and although he didn't wanted to he had to. Unwilling he handed his precious sister to Jungkook.

Jungkook still shocked and tensed to see Anna in this form was confused on what was happening but when Noah handed him Anna he understood as soon as his hand made contact with her burning skin. He immediately picked her up bridal style and dashed towards her room.

The rest watched as the youngest tended to his love of life.

"I'll clean up." Daphne offered.

"Ill help." Audrey joined.

Jennie however didn't utter a single word. She watched what happened silently.

On the other hand jungkook rushed to fill the bath tub with cold water. He placed her on counter as he ran the bath.

"What's happening kook?" Anna whispered.

"It'll be over soon." Jungkook comforted the girl as he pecked her cheeks. He slowly peeled of her sweater and hesitated whether to do the same with her rest of clothes or not. Shaking his head and respecting her privacy he gently placed her in the cold tub. Getting up to get her some new clothes and necessities he  felt his wrist being gently grabbed.
Turning he saw anna weakly mumble,

"Stay." He hesitated a little but still stayed beside her holding her hands. Closing his eyes and shaking his head furiously he opened his eyes to see your eyes closing.

"Its going to be alright." He comforted as he patted his mates hand.

"The heat will be over soon. Im here. Im right here." He mumbled as he kissed her hands.

Anna however barely managed to hear the words as she felt her conscious drift.

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