Delinquent and His Detective

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Walking around Tatsumi Port wasn't too unlike when Kanji had gone with Yasogami the year prior. He didn't like the city at all. It was too busy and loud, so much unlike the soft fields of Inaba. He stuck close to Naoto's side as the tour progressed through the city, trusting the detective.

The rest of S.E.E.S. seemed to be enjoying themselves, considering how they were poking fun at each other at some places they went to on the tour. Junpei practically pounced on Minato when they got to the Paulownia Mall, teasing him about his eating habits there. Mitsuru told him to knock it off.

Naoto apparently found this rather amusing, though when the tour made it to Club Escapade they got quiet and clung to Kanji's side. I don't blame them. He had a difficult memory from that place, and he was sure that Naoto's wasn't any better. And despite that, Rise was raving all about how she managed to get a room reserved there for all of the transfer students. There was no possible way that would end well.

"Kanji, what do you think?"

Kanji jolted, realizing he had been drifting off. "Oh, sorry." He bit his lip, feeling guilty about not listening to Naoto.

"It's ok. I was just asking what you thought about the theory that the god in command of all those cultists is Apophis." Their pretty gray eyes stared back at Kanji, making him blush hard. Everything about Naoto was pretty and handsome, constantly reducing Kanji to a blushing mess.

"Oh, uhm, I think it makes sense. Th' symbol matches almost perfectly, so I don't see any issues really." He awkwardly scratched his neck, fingers tapping at the skin. "We should focus on th' break though. It's nice to relax for a bit." Kanji tried to ignore the weird stares he got from the locals, knowing they were judging his accent.

Naoto squeezed his hand, comforting him. "Those city people can judge you all they want, I don't care. I think your accent and voice is sweet." If they smile I will be down for the count. Naoto's smile was the sweetest thing he'd ever experienced, and it belonged in a museum. They did in fact smile, causing Kanji's face to get even redder. Naoto's compliments were like oxygen to him, despite how much they took his breath away.

"Th-thanks Naoto."

They kept walking, Kanji feeling lighter than air as the tour continued. Hanging out with Naoto was the best thing ever, and no, he would not accept any criticisms on this topic. He couldn't pay attention to whatever else was happening, just too happy for words.

When the tour was done, the students had a small amount of free time before they were supposed to return to the hotel for the night. Kanji followed Naoto all over Tatsumi Port, the detective's natural curiosity dragging them all across the island. They continually popped their head into stores and stared at things through windows. Most often though, Kanji noticed how Naoto liked to look at the places where Mitsuru had admitted to fighting Shadows.

These places seemed to be oddly untouched, which was something that Naoto noticed. "It's as if these massive battles against those horribly powerful Shadows never happened." They had come across a rather open area behind an alley, Kanji watching as Naoto investigated.

"You hit the nail on the head, Detective." Akihiko was standing in the alley, arms folded over his chest. Normally he smiled when he talked, but now his mouth was drawn into a fine line. "When the Dark Hour ended each night, things would return to how they were, without damage or debris. The bodies of the people who died however, remained." His eyes swept across the area before settling on the corner, where several dead bouquets of flowers sat, half crushed. What's this about?

"Something terrible happened here, isn't that right Akihiko? I don't wish to ask you to repeat it, but it does explain how you and Ken act in certain situations." Kanji often forgot how sharp Naoto was, picking up on cues and clues in ways he could never fathom. "From what I've heard, this Dark Hour was terrible to the people here on Tatsumi Port. I'm glad you are all ok, for better or worse."

"For worse is what it is sometimes. You didn't see the plaque, but Mitsuru got a picture of it." Akihiko walked over to the flowers, crouching down to look at them.

"There was a plaque? Where was it?" Kanji narrowed his eyes a bit, determined to understand what was going on with Aki.

The fighter stood again, brushing off his hands before looking at Kanji and Naoto again. His soft gray eyes were filled with an intensity that reminded Kanji not of Yu, but of himself. "It was at the doors leading to the roof of the school. Silver, and almost out of the way, as if the school forced themselves to put it there. In memory of Arisato Minato. May he rest in peace."

"In memory?" Kanji chewed on his lip. "He's alive though."

Aki let out a sigh through his nose. "He wasn't always alive. At the end of last school year, he died on that roof. We had to tell the school, Mitsuru said we had no other choice. We couldn't tell them everything, just insisting that he died from sudden intense fatigue."

"That wasn't the truth though. He died during Dark Hour, didn't he?" Naoto messed with the brim of their hat. It was a habit that Kanji had noticed even before the TV World, something he chalked up to stress from their job.

A simple nod from the fighter. "He died fighting Death, successfully defeating him but it cost him his life. However, using all his willpower, he clung to life until graduation day. We had forgotten everything that happened, right up until the cherry blossoms started casting their petals. We barely made it before he died."

"He's back now though. But th' school doesn't know that. They still think he's dead or somethin'. That's what's really crazy, cause how can you explain that? A kid you thought was dead turns up, completely fine." Kanji was hurting his head a little with how hard he was thinking.

"Many people died during Dark Hour, but he was the last one. He protected everyone, so it's the least we can do to keep following him." Aki walked back into the alley, vanishing from sight. Kanji pouted a moment, mulling over his words.

"Minato has a dedicated following Kanji. But so does Yu. He has us. A detective prince and their beefcake boyfriend." Kanji blushed so hard he thought he had caught on fire. You can't just give me compliments like that. "We stand by him just as firmly. He's our leader, and we trust him." Naoto's phone chimed softly. They took it out and checked it, a few different emotions crossing their face before sighing. "Just as we do now. Rise wants to go to the club tonight."

"There is no way in hell this is gonna end well."

"Considering we have to somehow convince Mrs. Tori that we're enjoying the nightlife in an educated way, as well as struggling to keep Rise and Yukiko sober, that is in fact a very accurate statement." Naoto took Kanji's hand again, threading their fingers together. "We have to deal with S.E.E.S. and the Phantom Thieves too."

"Good lord, I just don't want to be tackled by some drunk bear again." 

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