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"You never thought I'd want to join gymnastics, did you Yosuke?"

While Hashiru had only asked for those interested in athletics to go to the gym, the rest of the transfers had gone as well, watching from the stands. Akira was warming up, stretching his limbs out. He's so limber, even when relaxed. It might have occurred to Yosuke to stretch, but that was something he didn't know how to do. Instead he had his headphones over his ears, relying on that feeling to give him his edge.

"At first I didn't, but then I remembered how you fought. Then it was obvious."

Akira chuckled. "You aren't going to stretch? You're not as strong here as you are in the other world." I know that, but I've never stretched before.

"I don't know how. Isn't there like, a way to do it safely so you don't hurt yourself?" Yosuke ran his fingers through his hair, stopping when he reached his headphones.

"You can hurt yourself while stretching, but I can show you a few simple things." Akira started going through some simple poses, pointing out the muscles that were being stretched. Yosuke did his best to follow, but standing still his balance was questionable. Ugh, Akira can keep his balance so much better than me.

"Alright, listen up potential athletes. I'll be going through your names alphabetically, testing you individually to see if you're good enough for the sports teams you picked." Hashiru strutted out into the gym. Yosuke felt a prickle of annoyance, but the assistant continued without paying attention to anyone else there. "Until it is your turn, please wait in the stands. First up, Arisato Minato."

Yosuke walked up to the stands, looking out on the gym. It wasn't a typical school gymnasium, and instead had been done up with rings for combat, a batting cage, targets, and an entire obstacle course. Arisato walked down there, his hands deep in his pockets. The aloof nature of his wasn't a facade, but it still hid the skill he had with a light sword.

"Pick your sword, and then you and I'll begin in the ring." Arisato picked the closest sword to him, flipping it with ease in one hand. I've barely even seen his skill in battle. He walked over to the ring, shrugged off his headphones, and readied himself.

"Let's get this over with quickly. You've got a lot of other skilled students to go through, and you're taking up all of our time." Arisato's voice was dripping with annoyance as he glared at Hashiru. Then he scoffed. "I'll keep my hair over my eye. You'll need the handicap."

"You're arrogant, Arisato."

I don't think it's an empty threat. He's been fighting Shadows without using his right eye almost effortlessly. He's been trained extremely well. Arisato rolled his arm around as he stared Hashiru down. The assistant hefted his larger sword, and a referee who had probably been volunteered for this signalled the start of the match.

Arisato's shoe made a high pitched squeak on the floor as he charged forward. Yosuke had known that he wasn't as fast as himself, or even his partner, but even so, it was clear that this initial rush was intended to overwhelm Hashiru. Arisato isn't as strong physically as Yu, nor as fast as Kurusu, but he's wicked smart. Clearly, that's what's going to win against Hashiru. The swords clashed a few times, and while Hashiru seemed to be panicking slightly as his much stronger sword strikes were easily blocked, Arisato's face only changed from annoyed to pleased.

Between the rings of blades clinging against each other, Arisato suddenly closed the gap and snapped rather loudly. "It's time I end this." There was a sharp flash of movement, and suddenly Hashiru's sword had been flung away. I barely got to see his techniques! The way Arisato had moved wasn't terribly flashy, but his strategy was more than all he needed. Hashiru was clearly impressed.

"I doubted you a little, Arisato. You're much better than I expected. I'll sign you up for the fencing team, and give them a little warning before hand." Arisato walked up into the stands and took his place among the members of S.E.E.S. He passed his test so easily. Who's next, if he's going by our names? Wait, Arisato...then...! "Hanamura Yosuke. You're up."

Yosuke stumbled down the stairs, cursing himself for being so clumsy already. He could see the disappointment in Hashiru's eyes, but determination to prove his worth straightened his posture. "You'll be racing the clock in this obstacle course. Get to the starting block. If you fall, you're done."

This is it. Yosuke could feel the eyes of not just the Investigation Team but the rest of the Persona users watching him. Some weren't expecting much, but that was ok. I can feel Yu and Chie and everyone believing in me. He stood at the starting mark, tapping his toes against the floor. He took a deep breath, imagining his kunai in his palms, and feeling the softness of his headphones on his skin. He closed his eyes. Picture Jiraiya giving you strength, giving you speed. Come on Yosuke. Power flooded through his body as his eyes traced the path to take. Speed and agility through Sukukaja!


Yosuke was gone, his feet pounding the ground like his life depended on it. He hit the first obstacle in no time, not stopping to assess the situation. It was a springboard to reach a rope over a pit. Yosuke planted his foot on the spring and leapt halfway across the chasm before grabbing hold of the rope. Using his momentum he flung himself hard and easily cleared the pit. Perfect!

Yosuke hit the next obstacles and surpassed them easily. His stamina was keeping up with the way he was pushing his body, and his balance hadn't given out once. Confidence sparked through him until his foot suddenly hit a step that shifted under his weight. His balance started to slip, panic rising quickly. Shit! I'm not going down now! Yosuke gritted his teeth and shifted his foot to place his weight on the outside, then made a desperate leap for the next step. He had no time to think before he leapt to the next and then the next, making it across much faster than he meant to.

Yosuke made it to the finish completely winded, his legs and shoulders aching. Making it through the course was easy, but his endurance was still pretty bad. Damn, I need more practice. "Impressive, Hanamura. I didn't think you could be that agile but I was wrong." Shut up, that's only because I'm in this world. "You're free to go. Next up!"

"Iori Junpei!" 

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