What I Fear Most

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"Oh, so you all do have Personas. Our master was right." A gruff voice echoed through the place, bringing Yu back from gawking at Arisato and the Persona summoned with the gun in his hands. They all turned to the new person who had just appeared while they were summoning. Kurusu pulled his mask off his face, his gray eyes threatening. The new person was tall and build strongly, wearing a cloak of black and white squares layered atop each other in a chaotic pattern. His face was covered in a flat black mask with an odd oval symbol across the front. "Our master does hate to be disappointed."

"Who the hell are you?" Sakamoto glared at the newcomer, clutching his bat. Yu hefted his long sword, the white lights glinting threateningly onto the man. The man laughed, the monsters at his feet surging back to life. Yu instantly bent into a fighting stance, his grip tightening on the sword hilt. As he looked around, he saw that everyone else was ready to fight.

"You're all so angry. Just give in to our master's will and everything will be fine." The man's eyes almost glowed behind the mask. The monsters at his feet lunged forward, taking the forms of three feline like creatures. "Just let these Shadows absorb you and we'll be on our way."

"Like that'll happen. Arsene!" That Persona of Kusuru's blazed to life in a grand flourish. What a showoff. Yu lunged forward too, Izanagi raising his polearm to slash through the Shadows. Arisato popped himself in the head again, his Persona Orpheus ready to unleash a hellstorm upon their enemies.

"Izanagi!" A white hot bolt of lightning slammed into the Shadow closest to Yu, arcs of electricity crackling over its body. Yu didn't wait to see if it would get back up or if the other two were dealing with the other Shadows, instead racing forward and slashing through the knocked down Shadow. It dissolved into nothing, filling Yu with satisfaction. He turned to see the other two Shadows dissolve under the weapons of Arisato and Kurusu. The cloaked man stumbled backwards, though his voice was angry instead of fearful.

"You'll regret not giving in when you had the chance!" The man stumbled away, vanishing into the black and white lights. Yu sighed as Izanagi returned to him, sheathing his sword away. He wanted to run after the man but he wasn't as used to his Persona as before. His swing was weak too, as he hadn't been working out as much ever since the last case of the Investigation Team.

"That was close. You guys all need to practice more, I could feel how weak all your swings were from here." Yu turned to see what was making the irritating noise and ended up face to face with a strange cat-monster.

"I'll show you how strong my swing really is, you monster." Arisato walked up next to Yu and glared at the thing in front of them. Kurusu rolled his eyes and crouched next to the thing, placing his hand upon its head.

"I know he doesn't look like it, but this is Morgana. It's good to know you'll be able to understand him in the real world too." Sarcasm edged Kurusu's voice, along with some kind of hostility. Yu narrowed his eyes at Morgana, who returned the glare right back. "I'm surprised his cognitive form is what shows up here though."


Kurusu stood back up and tucked his hands into his pockets. "It's hard to explain. I think we should leave for today and come back later. It's clear we aren't-"

"I don't think you should be telling us what to do." Yu fixed his gaze on Kurusu, who returned the piercing stare from behind his mask. He didn't want to admit that he also thought they should rest, but the way Kurusu was so commanding angered him. "The Investigation Team takes orders from me. So we'll be heading back through that window." Yosuke muttered out a "sorry" as he walked by the Phantom Thieves, following Yu as he walked back to the window.

Once back inside Yosuke's room, Yu slumped against the wall. Why do I feel so weak? His muscles ached and his head was pounding with vehemence. He held his hand up over his eyes. Yu was so focused on his headache that he didn't pay mind to the Phantom Thieves and S.E.E.S. slipping back through the window. There were a few words exchanged, but after that all that was left in the room was the Investigation Team.

"Yu, partner, you ok?" Yosuke rested a hand on Yu's shoulder. His head had stopped pounding and gone down to a dull ache, but there was still soreness in his limbs. "Jeez, I didn't even do much and I feel exhausted. I think I got Jiraiya back though."

Yu looked up at Yosuke. He smiled softly despite his exhaustion. "Yeah. Yosuke, I think I'm going to sleep. I'll see you tomorrow." With that he went to his room and flopped down onto his bed, exhausted. His gray eyes swept over the dark city through the window, the bright lights so innocent and free. How amusing. Yu chuckled to himself. No one down there knew about the window, the world behind it, or the three groups and their terrifying power. There was someone out there, someone who was filled with malicious intent to kill.

He rolled over onto his back, gazing up at the ceiling. Makoto had apologized for Kurusu, but the way he acted like he was in charge... it didn't quite sit well with him. And Arisato was so rude and headstrong... He didn't like them, either of them. But he was stuck here anyway.

Yu didn't remember when he went to sleep, but when he woke up, the day was bright. The tall buildings of Shibuya soared on either side of him, almost too tall. How did I get here? He started walking down the street, people around him making way for the tall boy. A strange force pulled him towards a shadowy part of the street, the bustling crowd thinning out as he got closer and closer. The lights got dimmer and dimmer, though his eyes were adjusting to the bleak light. There was no one near him.

Something brushed against his leg. Yu looked down to see a black and white object right next to him, and as he looked at it, it became clear that the thing was wrapped in the same cloak that the person from the window world was wearing. A cold chill raced down his spine as he nudged the thing over. It was bare chested, and that same oval symbol that was on the window looked like it had been branded there. Yu started shaking. Oh god no. The hood was pulled over the face, and while Yu didn't want to pull it off he reached down and yanked it free.

He couldn't stop shaking as his eyes frantically searched the face and its agonizingly familiar features. Oh god no.

The light brown hair was messy and a little burnt, but Yu recognized the color easily. Only one eye was open, and despite how it was glazed over, the dark brown was so familiar. Yu fell to his knees, panic lashing across every single nerve. His hands shook as he reached out to grab the large black and orange headphones from around Yosuke's neck. The corpse's other eye opened as many many voices all spoke as one.

"We'll all die.... It's your fault.You could have saved us. But you can't. We'll all, we'll all, we're dead and it's your fault Yu Narukami!"

Yu sat bolt upright in his bed, a shout leaving him as he resurfaced from the nightmare. "Yosuke!" He panted, the voice of dead Yosuke still fresh in his mind. He was shivering feverishly, despite how warm he felt. What the hell was that nightmare? He had a lot of nightmares after dealing with Ameno-Sagiri and Izanami, but this was so different from those, especially with the robes and the symbol.

"Yu?" There was a knock at the door. He breathed a sigh of relief at hearing Yosuke's voice. He slowly got out of bed and opened the door. "Yu, dude, you look like hell. I heard you scream my name."

"Ah, yeah. I had a bad dream. I'm fine, I promise." He wasn't sure if that was the entire truth though, considering how shaken he still was. It's just my nerves. I'll be fine later. Yu gave Yosuke a reassuring smile. "We were given the day off today, right?" A part of him wanted to meet with S.E.E.S. and the Phantom Thieves, but his pride didn't want to admit the Investigation Team needed help.

Yosuke nodded. "Yeah..." He looked a little sheepish. "Yu, after you left, Ryuji, er, Sakamoto came by my room. He was asking if you were ok. I told him you were tired and we ended up talking." Yu couldn't deny the spark of animosity towards Kurusu's partner, though he knew it wasn't Sakamoto's fault. "He said that Sakura looked more into the murders and talked to Naoto and Kirijo. Apparently they always have that symbol we saw on the window. The snake."

Yu frowned. He wanted to solve this thing himself, but if even Naoto was talking with the others he guessed he had to as well. "We should probably meet up in that room and talk. I'll apologize for just up and leaving..."

Yosuke shook his head. "The Thieves have already left to go find their informant in Shibuya. Ryuji invited me along but I said that I'd wait for you. Naoto went with them." Yu chewed on the inside of his lip. It made perfect sense that they'd have an informant, though he thought that Sakura would have been the provider.

"Fine. We can go scope out Shibuya."

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