Rules and More Rules

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It had been a few days since the Persona users had beaten Hokori and rescued Nishi. It almost felt strange to Yosuke to be back doing normal school work without worrying about who they were going up against in the afternoon. In fact, it was almost boring.

Not doing much with those cultists let Yosuke notice just about everything else. The other students would talk about the transfers in the hallways, thinking they couldn't hear. He couldn't deny that he was used to it, but all the same it still stung as bad. Sometimes the things would stick harder than most and replay over and over in his head. Some of them are from the boonies. Can't imagine why they thought this was a good idea. Those transfers are scary. Did you see that disappointing one?

Yosuke was all too happy when the weekend rolled around.

Except for when he was woken up at eight in the morning by someone pounding on his door. He flinched with every knock until he couldn't stand it. "I'm up! I'm up!" Thankfully the knocking stopped when he yelled.

"Hi, this is your new RA. We're having a floor meeting in just a few minutes to talk about rules and the culture here at Hashi."

It was a young man's voice on the other side. The hell? We have an RA? Yosuke begrudgingly got out of bed and put on a pullover sweater he had stolen from Yu. If it's just a floor meeting, I don't need to be in day clothes. He yawned loudly and stuck his phone in his pocket before walking out to the common room.

"You're late Yosuke!"

Chie was suddenly in his face, her disappointment abundantly clear. Yosuke flinched away from her. He muttered out an apology and sat next to Yu. Everyone else was here already, apparently waiting for him. Dammit.

The RA happened to be a rather young looking man with curly, light brown hair and oddly sharp green eyes. There was a muscular boy next to him with bleach blond hair and a Hashi High jersey. The RA introduced himself first.

"My name is Kouji Ryomi. I'm the Resident Assistant for this floor. This is Hashiru Tama, the main sports assistant here at Hashi. Today we'll be going over rules and talking about the clubs and sports teams." Hashiru handed out a list of the sports teams and clubs to everyone. "It's fine if you don't want to, but we'd like everyone here to pick either a club or a sport to join."

"Keep in mind that all the sports and a lot of the clubs here are competitive. I'll tell you if i don't think you're cut for whatever you pick." Hashiru wore a serious grin. He's probably going to tear into us for whatever we pick. Yosuke's skin prickled uncomfortably. He clenched his hands as he read over the list.

I was never in any clubs or sports at Yasogami, and I'm not all that interested in one at the moment. Yosuke ran through his normal world skills, but all he could really think of was how fast and agile he was. Clearly, that probably wouldn't cut it alone.

"I'll go in order of room number. If you haven't decided yet, just say pass and I'll get back to you." I don't want to join any clubs, so I'll just look at the sports list.

"Room 301, Iori Junpei."

"I want to try out for the baseball team." Junpei flexed one of his arms and smiled. He seemed like he would be a natural with the way he fought. Hashiru nodded approvingly.

"Room 302, Takeba Yukari."

"Archery team. I've already put in my physical." Is everyone going to join things that help them with fighting in the Chaos Realm? Yosuke felt the need to pick something that would help him get stronger. Wrestling isn't right, I'm too scrawny.

"That doesn't mean you'll make it. You need a good eye and a strong arm, Miss Takeba." Hashiru's tone was scalding.

"Room 303, Yamagishi Fuuka."

Welcome To Hashi High: A Persona 3, 4, and 5 CrossoverTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon