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Minato did not like trying to work with either the Investigation Team or the Phantom Thieves. Narukami was too open and carefree, and Kurusu was snarky and almost straight up rude. Like it or not though, all of them were in this together, and Minato would have to put up with them. Admittedly he did have to stifle a laugh when Kurusu almost fell through the window. So much for the elegant boy.

"I'll go first." Sure, he wasn't as strong or agile as Narukami or Kurusu, but at least he had a brain. The other two didn't openly object, so Minato clambered up on the windowsill and stepped in.

His breath caught in his throat. This new world on the other side of the window was spiralling with black and white, and he felt almost out of place in the absence of color. Minato gazed around a bit in this new environment before he stuck his head back through the window, motioning for the others to follow.

Once everyone was within the window, Minato fell in a group with the rest of S.E.E.S. The others talked among their own group as well, everyone completely unsure of what to even think in this new place. Minato talked to Mitsuru, trying to figure out where the hell they actually were.

"Do you think this is a place we could summon Personas?" Junpei held out his Evoker, the sleek gun reflecting the white colors of the area. Minato looked at it and took out his own. He couldn't even remember the last time he used it. Though he had to admit, he wasn't even sure if it would work for him anymore.

"What the hell is that?" Sakamoto shouted, looking at three dark blobs that crept towards the group at a slow pace. The beasts were the same black and white as the place, however the patterns on them are far more angular than the area's smooth spirals and swirls. "Are they Shadows?"

Kurusu ran in front of the Thieves, reaching up for his face. How strange. Minato wasn't sure why he reached up in such a manner, but Kurusu seemed almost, frustrated after the motion. He watched as Kurusu shook a bit, a snarl edging his voice.

"Do I not have it anymore? Am I not rebellious as I was?" Kurusu stared down the blobs, and Minato noticed how his eyes were taking on a strange red tint mixed with the normal gray. "Can I even summon a Persona here?" Kurusu seemed to be doubting himself, despite standing up to the monsters. Minato watched as he reached up again, this time only to pull at the curly hair that fell in his face. He was shaking, more than before, as suddenly his eyes went wide.

"Kurusu!" Shirogane's voice was filled with concern, but none of the Phantom Thieves made a move to help him. Not even Sakamoto, who was so obviously Kurusu's best friend. In fact, he didn't even flinch when Kurusu let out a sharp, pain filled cry. What on earth have these people been through? Shouldn't they help him? Minato could feel his chest tighten, and despite the fact that he would openly admit he didn't like Kurusu, he felt the urge to go after him. He took a step, but Sakamoto held up his hand.

"Don't interrupt him." Sakamoto's gaze swept over everyone else, warning them that it's a bad idea to even approach the suffering boy. Kurusu fell to his knees, clutching his head in both hands. Tears streamed down his face from the pain as screams shook his frame. "I watched this once before." Sakamoto looked at Kurusu, a smile pulling at the corners of his mouth. "It hurt like that for me too."

With a loud shout, Kurusu's arms fell to his side. He spoke softly, his words drawn out. "" Minato crept forward a little, peering into his...mask? A simple white eye mask with black spikes around the eyes. Where the hell did that come from? Kurusu smoothly slid to his feet, his gray eyes sweeping across the three blobs who had stopped advancing because of the odd behavior. A laugh echoed from his throat as Kurusu reached up, his fingers gripping at the mask over his eyes. He struggled with it for a moment, before a horrifyingly grotesque sound ripped through the air. Minato was frozen in place, but a few others made shrieks of panic as blood spurted from the side of Kurusu's face. He was ripping the mask off his face with a loud shout of pain.

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