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Minato had figured that Kurusu was going to be angry. He figured that Narukami was going to be angry. His dreams of this place reminded him that Kurusu was almost always angry and Narukami never kept his mouth shut. So this dejectedness was out of the ordinary, and Minato felt bad about hating them. He couldn't deny the depression in himself either, but he was almost certain that sacrificing themselves so their friends could get away was the right choice. Still, being stuck in this cell wasn't optimal either. At least the damn cultist had untied them once they were inside, though it felt like she was taunting them at this point.

The nightmares had been increasing in frequency and intensity up until last night, the last one leaving him still feeling the cold steel in his chest and the warm blood in his hands when he woke up. These black and white walls taunted him, almost begging him to lash out at the two others. To let out his anger and hatred towards them. He sat there though, and while he had thought rage would burn through him, instead he felt the cold claws of fear.

He had been sulking to himself when the door swung open to their prison. Minato only turned his gray eyes up, not caring enough to give these Acolytes his full attention. To his surprise, Kurusu and Narukami barely moved too. He could at least give them respect for being so frosty towards their captors. The Acolyte in charge, Zurui, Minato remembered, pulled a table from the corner as well as a chair. She sat down and placed her chin so delicately on her wrist, staring down the three with her sly glare.

"We only intend to kill you if you don't cooperate. Oh, and if you lie to us. We'll kill you then too." Zurui laughed in a fake way, as if she was trying to make light of the horrible situation they were in. Minato would have almost found it funny if his life wasn't on the line. "And don't even think about summoning your Personas. We know how you damn people are, relying on that power." Minato didn't argue. They had taken away his Evoker along with Kurusu's mask. Narukami was the only one not restricted, but there was no way he'd be able to defeat this many Acolytes by himself.

They had no choice but to comply.

"I'm going to ask you a series of questions, and your choices will determine if we get to kill you." Minato's hands twitched. Nervous and scared weren't even close to how he was feeling, but his defiance was the only thing keeping him from completely giving in. He looked up at Kurusu and Narukami, noticing for the first time how all three of them had gray eyes. "I take it you are as close to an agreement as you'll get. Lovely. First, what are your names?"

"Kurusu Akira." Kurusu's eyes were dark gray, only a small bit of light kept them from being black. They really were quite striking, especially with his outfit, though his mask tended to hide them. He could understand why people were so attracted to the sultry color.

"Narukami Yu." Narukami's eyes were light and soft, completely contrasting his intimidating personality. If Minato liked him more, the color would feel warm. While he didn't have the mystery that Kurusu did, they were rather enticing.

"Arisato Minato." His own eyes were like a mix of the two, not deep and dark like Kurusu's but not soft like Narukami's. There was a small lick of blue within them, reminiscent of the power off his Persona. Minato felt like his eyes matched him wonderfully, mysterious and cool.

Zurui smirked. "Excellent. You pass the first test. Second, how did you access this world?" God her smile made Minato want to throw up.

"There's a window in the dorms at Hashi High that, when smeared with blood, opens a gateway to this realm." Minato felt no need to lie at this point, clearly Zurui knew all of this already. She was simply toying with them, seeing how far she could push them. That's what really scared him.

"Correct. Third question, well, questions really." There was a devilish glint in Zurui's eyes, one that knew that this next question would be much harder for the group to answer truthfully. Minato's heart ran cold. "Who are your friends, and where did they go?"

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