Face of Nightmares

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Yosuke blamed the gods for his absolute shit luck. When Chizuru burst through the door on the rooftop, he had snapped into a fighting stance on pure impulse. He had nothing but his fists, since he left his kunai back at Hashi under the assumption that he wouldn't need them. But of course this crazy stalker would find him on the one trip to Inaba he took this year.

His friends had jumped up too, even the Thieves and S.E.E.S., though most of them looked confused. Yosuke's heart climbed into his throat, his brain short circuiting. A rumbling filled his chest, Jiraiya's instinct telling him to call the frogs to him.

"What are you doing here Chizuru?"

Yu's calm voice pierced the panic in Yosuke's head, causing him to suck in a sharp breath. The fear was pushed down, allowing the frog to calm himself down. The croak still stewed in his chest, Jiraiya still wanting him to call the other frogs to assist him. At least it was comforting, if comically so, that the frog god was also so traumatized from their fling with Chizuru that he was panicking as well.

"I had to come see my Hanamura-baby, since I heard he was in town again." Yosuke looked the girl up and down, trying to see if she had any weapons. "Oh, checking me out are you? I'm flattered-"

Yu moved in front of Yosuke, his broad shoulders protecting him. "He's not your... 'Hanamura-baby' or whatever you call him. We already took care of this. You know he's dating me." Yosuke felt his face flush at his partner's words, happy that he would still protect him. "You should leave. You're outnumbered here."

The girl stomped her foot on the ground and made a mock pouty face. "That's so unfair...I just wanted to see Yosuke! I can tell he's so happy to see me!" She waved her fingers at Yosuke, who responded by trying to hide behind Yu more. There was a shift in her expression, something minute that showed her instant displeasure. "Don't you want to see me Yosuke?"

"Go. Away."

Yosuke's voice was surprisingly firm for cowering behind Yu. He peeked out, noticing how Chizuru's eyes momentarily flashed. What was that? He shook his head, trying to clear it of what was probably just him. "Didn't you hear me?" He slid out from behind Yu, fists clenched tight in control. "I said go away Chizuru. I never want to see you again."


"I said get the fuck out!"

Yosuke was in Chizuru's face in a heartbeat, towering over her. She shrank back for a moment, before snarling and backing off. She ran to the door and flung it open, throwing a few last minute words over her shoulder.

"You haven't seen the last of me, Hanamura-baby! I'll follow you to the ends of the earth if I have to!" With that she slammed the door behind her, leaving the Persona users in silence. Yosuke didn't realize how much he was shaking until Yu touched his arm and he flinched so hard he almost smacked his boyfriend.

"Calm down Yosuke, she's gone now."

The brunette took a deep breath to calm himself, flexing his fingers to untense them. He let out a soft whine, the only way to truly express how he was feeling. He spun on his heel and slammed his head into Yu's shoulder. "I thought she was arrested..."

"Alright so before I go stabbing someone who I know nothing about, do you want to tell me who the hell that was?"

Yosuke turned around to see Akira standing there, his gray eyes flickering with some deep red color. Yosuke let out some grumbling noise before leaning against Yu. "Chizuru was someone I was dating last year before....before I realized I liked partner much more. I broke it off with her so I could date Yu and she stalked me....threatened us all the time and wouldn't leave us alone until we got the law involved. I thought she was out of our hair for good but-"

"Wouldn't Dojima know what happened? Maybe we can go see him after school." Chie stood up, leaning over to Yosuke. "Besides, we talked about seeing him while we're here, didn't we?"

Yukiko stood beside Chie, lost in thought for a moment before speaking up. "If he wanted to, he and Nanako could stay in the inn with us tonight. There were some empty rooms the last time I checked."

"Then it's settled. This....Dojima can help us, so let's go see him." Minato opened the door to the roof, casting an apathetic glare over his shoulder. "You'll be safe in the inn anyways." The rest of the Persona users followed him, though Yosuke hung behind a bit.

Yu stayed as well, wrapping his arms around Yosuke's waist. "What's on your mind, little frog? Are you ok?"

"I just want to know how she got out." Yosuke sighed and leaned into Yu a little more, relaxing. He was still high strung from his experience, but with Yu here he was calming down. "Dojima said she was going to stay locked up for good. I need to know how she got out."

Yu squeezed Yosuke a little tighter before letting him go. "Dojima will have all of our answers after school ok? And we'll get to see Nanako too, so keep your chin up babe. Come on, class is starting soon."

Yosuke was silent for a few moments before smiling. "Okay!"

Getting to see Dojima was easier than Yosuke had thought, since things had calmed down considerably since the murders. Since not all of the transfers could fit into the police station, the leaders had sent everyone to the inn besides themselves and their right hands. Yu marched straight to Dojima's desk, where the detective was working rather quietly.


"I know what you're going to say, and the answer is we don't know." Yosuke chewed on the inside of his lip, nervousness shooting through him. Dojima turned to look at the Persona users, his gray eyes tired. "One moment she was there, locked up, and the next she was gone. All that was left was a red oval on the wall."

Yosuke sputtered, coughing into his fist in an attempt to cover his surprise. A red oval....it couldn't be. Ryuji and Junpei also seemed to struggle hiding their reactions, causing Dojima to look at them all skeptically.

The detective heaved a heavy sigh. "Listen Yu, all of you in fact. I won't pry about it since I doubt it'll make much sense to me. All I ask is that you stay safe. I don't know what you're messing with but if it can break a girl out of prison with almost no trace then it's dangerous."

"Don't worry Dojima." Yosuke spoke before he could think, though he didn't feel as embarrassed as normal. "We'll make sure to be careful."

"Boy you'd better. That's my nephew you've got in your care." Dojima chuckled, a tired smile on his face. "You all mean a lot to me, so take care."

Yosuke left the police station feeling rather warm, and he wondered if this was what it felt like to have a good parent. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2021 ⏰

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