Chapter 32

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"Tell me about those students that were accepted to Hashi High this year." The voice sounded both low and high at same time, angry at the world yet perfectly complacent. The voice was everything and nothing, all at once.

A screen, one impossibly large for the room, rose from the floor. A profile popped to life, a black haired teen with almost void-like gray eyes. "Akira Kurusu. He was arrested three times within the span of a year, and is the current leader and founder of the Phantom Thieves. Through his second year of school, he led these people to take down evil and corrupt people in Tokyo." The voice that was speaking was small, much smaller, almost wavering. "He was pronounced dead by suicide on November 18th, though it was revealed later that he faked his death to continue operating underneath society's notice."

The voice mused softly. "They are able to fool even the eyes of a great being like society."

More information flashed up on screen, as well as images of the teen in a different outfit. "He is more than just dangerous. He is proven to excel in hand to hand combat, even unarmed, though his prefered weapon is a long bladed knife." The knife in question appeared on the screen, the blade as dark as his eyes. "He is a skilled acrobat, and he sees his entire body as a weapon to be used."

"And the blood on his hands?"

Another voice piped up, this one rather feminine. "He assisted in the defeat of the goddess of fate, Enlil last fall. He also killed the god of control, Yaldabaoth, with a shot to the head. After some observation, it seems he does not have access to this power at this time, though his arcana is still to be determined."

A narrowing of eyebrows, and a small grumble of irritation. "His arcana cannot be identified? You were able to get the others, but not his? Persona Users always have an arcana."

"Perhaps his arcana is able to change, and that's why we cannot pinpoint it."

"Nonsense." The power in the word sent a ripple through the room. "Continue with his Thieves."

A blond boy with his face carved into a permanent scowl rose on screen. "The Chariot, Ryuji Sakamoto. A powerful physical attacker, known to use blunt objects as his preferred weapon. He's also been known to charge his power up to hit harder and move faster." As the voice listed off the Thieves, their pictures popped up on screen. "The Lovers, Ann Takamaki. The strongest magic caster on the team, preferred weapon is a whip. The Emperor, Yusuke Kitagawa. Despite his frail stature, is known for powerful strikes with his Japanese swords. The Priestess, Makoto Niijima. An all around hard attacker, as well as experienced healer. Enjoys using punching weapons. The Hermit, Futaba Sakura. World renown hacker and support character for the Phantom Thieves. The Empress, Haru Okumura. Powerful magic attacker and gunman, wields an axe the size of her body. The Magician, Morgana. Known as the hope of humanity, a cat with the power to represent the human race and their desires."

"Excellent. Next group, if you please." There was some note of urgency in the voice, yet the tone was rather relaxed.

A teen with sideswept blue hair and stormy gray eyes showed up. "Minato Arisato. He has an infuriating inability to remain dead, having died and returned four times. He was pronounced officially dead on March 3rd, though what appears to be Death himself brought him back to life. Through his second year, he eventually rose the ranks in the group known as S.E.E.S. to lead them in the fight against the Dark Hour and eventually Death. He's remarkably intelligent and persistent, as is evident by the fact that he was able to resist the power of the Fall and destroy it."

There was a rumble of irritation and satisfaction. "It is true that the Fall would have ruined our current plans, but the fact that a human was able to stop the unstoppable...we must take this into account. Continue."

"He is very dangerous, proficient in the use of several different weapons, but he is most lethal with a one handed sword. He knows strategy for any fight or battle, being able to rely on his ability to outsmart his opponents." Pictures of various weaponry as well as a display of the teen fighting popped up on screen. "We also cannot determine his arcana, in the same way we cannot determine Kurusu's arcana."

"What is with these strange arcana readings?" Anger and happiness. "If we cannot determine their arcana, it will be difficult to fight them."

"They could fight themselves." The suggestion was given quietly, as if scared it would result in harm. "The personalities of these leaders are such a way...we would only have to intensify the surroundings to force them to clash."

A rumbling sound like growling laughter. "That is a most excellent idea...Before you go and do this, please tell me of that last leader...He is the most concerning of the three."

"Yu Narukami." A teen with short, gray hair and matching baby-soft eyes appeared. The voice chuckled, as if to tease and encourage the teen to try any funny business. There was a pause, as if the smaller voices were worried. "He is not one to be trifled with. His track record with gods is terrifying, with five marked down as either defeated or killed." There was a slightly fearful sound, paired with one of excitement. "He founded and led a group called the Investigation Team, a group that revealed the mystery of a serial murder case. They left a trail of gods in their wake, and Narukami is the strongest among them. He's powerful, his favorite weapon being a long bladed katana."

"Is his arcana the same as the other two leaders?"

A series of nods. "We have heard that other gods tremble in fear at the mention of his name and have started calling him the God Slayer. Despite his soft appearance, his hands have the blood of countless immortals. But we still stand by our idea, pitting these three against each other will make our job of eliminating these god slayers easier. Without their leaders, it will be easy picking them off, one by one."

"Then we are done here. Get to work in taking out these nuisances, and soon, so very very soon, this world will be ours!" A cackle. "These supposed God Slayers will be nothing but blood beneath us as we lead the world to its new form!" 

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